Recent content by #1 CBR

  1. 1

    can i pin with 25g?

    hey my i reading right that you do 24 week cycles? lol i always thought that 16 was long and 20 was overboard!! Im fairly new to AS so dont take this wrong cuz im not doubting that you know what your doing but im just curious..
  2. 1

    can i pin with 25g?

    the best bet when using 25g or over is to find TW or UTW pins which means that the inner lumen of the needle is larger to allow easier flow of the substance! So an UTW 25g might have the same flow of a 23g regular wall needle...Im not sure why most dont use these but I use them all the time at...
  3. 1

    Sciroxx verification?

    So i got some stuff from a verified Sciroxx supplier which i checked on their website but when i received the products i could not get them verified from the Sciroxx website...They have the hologram and look G2G but Im just wondering why i cant get the ISN verified on the website. They have an...
  4. 1

    pinning anxiety!

    I thought HCG can be done with a slin pin and sub Q? OP, sterilize with alcohol swab, spread skin taut (stretch the skin with thumb and index finger), push in slowly using 1" 25g pin, aspirate to make sure youtr not in a blood vessel and inject slowly....The first time is the hardest but...
  5. 1

    nap question

    TRUE!!!!!! lol
  6. 1

    Extreme Peptide

    G2G!! Their Clen is super strong...Aromasin is very well dosed...My lab mice tell me all the products taste really good too!! Shipping is fast, customer service is great. Prices are the best!!
  7. 1

    injecting issue

    the only place i pin straight sustanon is in my quads which is the largest muscle group available...Im a medical professional so I knew what I was doing even before i thought of trying aas! If you mix prop/sust 50/50 it is perfectly fine in the delt which is what i usually do and it also takes...
  8. 1

    injecting issue

    I noticed that when I pin Sustanon it hurts way more to break the skin and i get more muscle twitching also....So much so that i dred having to do it and have only been doing 1 pin a week while waiting for more enanthate...It seemed like the enanthate was so gentle and the pin was easy and no...
  9. 1

    HCG new diet trend, my Mom wants to know lol

    ya id have to say stay away...Causes more unwanted side effects in women than men
  10. 1

    Do you view steroids as a drug or lifestyle?

    alot of drugs are lifestyles for people though!!!!! Especially addictive ones...
  11. 1

    Do you view steroids as a drug or lifestyle?

    lifestyle...only because to do it right there are so many lifestyle changes involved...I used to eat pretty good but since being on I ahve been eating extremely well and training any chance i get...It gives me motivation!!!!
  12. 1

    How does steroids being legal in the uk advantage me?

    that just probably means exactly what it can use it but dont sell it. If you were to get caught in the US with a syringe and some test in your car you would probably be in trouble but im guessing in the UK you would be fine...not sure if doctors need to prescribe or not?
  13. 1

    Naps-Still waiting-HELP

    sorry Dread....I wasnt trying to spread BS...Wont happen again! And i did email supplier but their not very useful...
  14. 1

    Naps-Still waiting-HELP

    So here is a clue if you post anything about postal info again your gone. email your supplier don't air your BS al over the net.
  15. 1

    Just got my Naps order....

    Ya i would have to agree that labels are a +. I ordered some GP stuff from them so I guess I will see how it comes....No labels sound a bit fishy to me also but if the cap says GP on it i guess thats a little better...I highly doubt that stuff comes out of the GP lab without labels...were...