Recent content by 1Tenacity

  1. 1

    did kimbo tapped?

    That was a completely horrible display of MMA on national television! I feel that the Elitexc is nothing more than a low budget toughman contest! Thompson should not have entered the cage with his ear in that condition, nor should Kimbo be hyped to be the big thing that he isn't! Kimbo is an...
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    next cycle opinions

    The nipple soreness went away with nolva, and I am still thinking it was possibly mental, but the bigger question is what the feel for me kickstarting with the Abombs? I have more nolva and arimidex for this cycle in case....
  3. 1

    next cycle opinions

    first cycle was 500 mgs/week of test e, and 300 mgs/week of deca ran for 14 weeks, had to use nolva some during cycle for nipple issues(which was probably paranoia) been off for 16 weeks so far. ready to start next cycle of 500 mgs/week of test e, and 400 mgs/week of deca, also want to add...
  4. 1

    only 8 ml in my 10 ml bottle?

    I appreciate the feedback and after sleeping on it I have decided it is better left alone. The gear is good and I am happy with it, just wanted all of what was supposed to be there!
  5. 1

    only 8 ml in my 10 ml bottle?

    Yes the bottle was sealed, and the waste in the syringe is all I can think of as well, but like you said 1ml maybe 2ml I don't think so. So should I even say anything or should I wait til I finish my next bottle?
  6. 1

    only 8 ml in my 10 ml bottle?

    How should this be handled, the gear i got was from a buddy(close buddy) and feel fucked right now. I just did my 8th injection of 1ml of 250 test e, and there is no more in the bottle. I can read well and can distinguish numbers well, and the bottle says 10 ml, I drew out exactly 1 ml each time...
  7. 1

    Test e/deca/and anadrol for first time?

    Thanks Blackjack, so no need for anything for estrogen unless I feel symptoms. What about the deca question?
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    Test e/deca/and anadrol for first time?

    Thanks and I value your advice, I understand leaving out the A 50 tabs but no deca at all even if I only run 300mg/week? Also do I not need to run the nolva the whole time? And what frequency should I space out the injections of test?
  9. 1

    Test e/deca/and anadrol for first time?

    I have tried to decipher some of the other info on here to no avail. I am 32 yrs old, 6'4" 275 pounds at approx. 14% bodyfat. I have 20 ml of test e 250mg/ml 20 ml of deca 300mg/ml 50 tabs of anadrol 50 1. I need to know how much of what and when to do. I have read alot on...