Recent content by 2thetop

  1. 2

    Been gone awhile and need some advise on Z and/or Pinn

    My bad gents I didn't feel as if I was asking for sources, I was just looking for updates on networks I was already familiar with but I see your point. Ill be sure to tread more carefully in the future. Thanks for the words of wisdom.
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    Been gone awhile and need some advise on Z and/or Pinn

    Good evening all! Ive been a member for awhile but have been absent for awhile now due to a very reliable local source. Due to a move I no longer have access to that source and was wondering if my favorite Uncle was still around and legit. Before I left I had started looking into Pinn because...
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    HCG, aromasin,or adex

    Hope its not to late I would love to know about quality aromasin. What do you guys think about liquid nova or clomid?
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    Splitting Anavar

    Whats up guys? I just has a quick question about how to spliy my Anavar (var) . Im not starting anytime soon just planning and I have 50 50mg caps of Anavar (var) and since they are caps im not sure how im suppose to break that down so i can space it out throughout the day. Any suggestions?
  5. 2

    Lost post cycle therapy (pct) what to do?

    No they arent 100% gone but a good 90% not enough to finish pct properly or even finish the week. Ill try and do an express ship but is there anythign else i can try? Since my cycle was test and eq shuold i expect to keep a good amoutn of my gains?
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    Lost post cycle therapy (pct) what to do?

    Lost PCT what to do? Last night after brushing my teeth I went to take my nolva and fumbled it and spilled my pills in the sink. Itll be a few weeeks before I can get more so and my PCt just started last week. Any suggestions on what to do until i get more? My cyle was 750test e and 600eq. This...
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    AventHAven't deciyou recommend
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    About to start third cycle just want input on it to make sure I'm on the right track. Test E 600mg a week for 16 weeks Eq 600mg a week for 16 weeks Anavar 100mg Ed for 8 weeks. Any changes need to be made to dosages and lengths let me know.
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    Yes another possible abcess thread

    ok sounds good thanks
  10. 2

    Yes another possible abcess thread

    Alright here is the deal, i injected test cyp on monday in my glute at first it was just the normal soreness that comes from sticking a needle in your ass. But today i noticed a lil lump and the glute is a little bit tighter. Like i said the pain is no more than usual just the lump. Is it...
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    trouble using TNB

    Has anybody used TNB lately im having trouble using paypal and getting in touch with them. Or if you know another means feel free to let me know.
  12. 2

    whos used N's G?

    Wow this looks almost to good to be true, I think that worries me.
  13. 2

    whos used N's G?

    Anyone care to clarify N's G for me sounds good, i think im interested.
  14. 2

    Gyno? I hope not.

    test cyp at 500mg a week