Recent content by 600oridie

  1. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    Interesting. I am leaning toward a longer PCT, since there is good support for 5-6 week PCT. Would delaying PCT have any other effects than decreasing serum test? I have read negative things about clomid dosed >25mg, and that for most 4-6 weeks of Nolvadex only seems to cover it. What’s...
  2. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    I understand the release curves. My question further, you mentioned that 40/40/20/20 Nolva, and 50/50/25/25 Clomid are low doses, when those numbers seem to be the numerical standard I am seeing everywhere. I would like to make this PCT work, so if you tell me what you would personally run for...
  3. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    Hey just want to tell you that yeah you're definitely right, I didn't sleep too well for the duration of the dbol, however I took aromasin 12.5 mg EOD and no gyno, no high blood pressure, no ED; water retention is a side effect of dianabol as it increases glycogenolysis, and water follows...
  4. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    Thank you for the advice. That PCT checks out with the research, not sure why people gripe about dosage when 25mg clomid/day for 4-6 weeks in males :// is enough to induce 250% in serum test. 40/40/20/20 is the standard to Nolvadex, so again that also checks out.
  5. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    Did not get bloods, could not afford at the time. I know reference levels, and will be getting bloods 4-6 weeks after PCT. AI dosage is fine, (12.5 mg 3x/week) keeps me feeling fine. As far as the dosages, what would you recommend?
  6. 6

    First Cycle (Test E 12 Weeks) PCT Confusion- Nolva or Clomid or Both?

    Greetings: This is my first cycle. I've (meticulously) turned through threads and threads of competing information regarding the use of Nolvadex and Clomid or picking one or the other for Post Cycle Therapy. I would like to put this to rest in my head so that I can stop worrying about it...