Recent content by allonred17

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    Gyno Help

    i can never stress having blood work done before, during and after. then you will know for sure with out guessing. you can still have things checked to see if your levels are out of wack or not
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    Bromocriptine Doses

    first you need to get to a dr and have your bloods checked so you know what the real problem is, then decide what drugs to take. i used brom and nolva on my test/tren cycle no problem. i did 1mg brome per day for the entire time i was on tren, this was just preventative for me.
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    Borrowed thread on TREN from Realgains...

    i agree 100%, i have ran tren 75mg ed for 8 weeks no problem, def. think test has more sides than tren.
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    Borrowed thread on TREN from Realgains...

    i gree 100%, i have ran tren 75mg ed for 8 weeks no problem, def. think test has more sides than tren.
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    Quality vet???

    qv has always been good to me. as long as it`s not a fake your good to go. like dmat said check the dosage on their site. i had some cyp 200 that actually tested at 154mg/ml. know the strenght of what your takin
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    who has got gyno from using the juice?

    i got gyno as a kid and remember a lump under my nipple and told my mom and went to the dr. who said it will most likely go away on it`s didnt. after a couple cycles it may have gotten a lil worse but because i gained so much muscle on my chest it just pushed out the gland and fat...
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    Lion tamox expired??

    lion`s liquids are good stuff. just shake to get the fallout on the bottom mixed in. always has fast shipping
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    Year round cycling...nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use?

    i still dont understand why people do cycles that are 6 months plus in time. You guys are just askin for health problems. moderation is key to a healthy life. to all the bro`s who stay on for a year, have you accepted that you are greatly increasing your odds of health issues?
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    Doing only one cycle possible?

    weight? and what are your goals? if you gonna gain 20lbs on a cycle then try and gain another 5-10 natural it will be very frustrating and you will most likely do another cycle, if that what your goals are
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    Switching testosterones

    plug it all into the roid calulator, see if that helps at all
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    got this from another board, what u think?

    never happen....some liberal pricks also wanted to make trans-fats contained in twikies illegal because it was a "bad fat".....that died quick
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    Tren and spiro

    got was 600mg spiro crushed into powder and 20cc dermovan, mix well and apply where the hair is thin or gone, he was supposedly a hair dr and bodybuilder
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    Tren and spiro

    i read about a guy mixing spiro with something else. then rubbing on the scalp and swears it re grows hair, or at the minimum stops hair loss for other people. If you want i can try and find it.
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    what public place have u had sex?

    i got a bj in the bathroom stall in the basement of the W hotel in NYC. They have a club in the basement and the bathroom is co-ed, unisex, 1 bathroom for all. I was nice enough to get it all in her mouth....she cant walk out with goo in her hair, that wouldnt be nice of me.
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    Drinking Winny

    why wouldnt you inject it if you have liquid? it is the most efficent and effective way of using it. I`m sure you will get some effect by drinking it but def. not as much effect (at the same dosage) as injecting.