Recent content by Alvasin

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    Better Protein Bars?

    When I read the back of the package and read the ingredient list, I was surprised. Very short and simple. “Whey Protein, Oatmeal, Wheat Germ, Sliced Almonds, Cranberries, Raisins and Organic Sour Apple Powder. ” No difficult to pronounce chemistry 201 pharmaceutical compounds, no...
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    Winstrol Equipose Cycle

    Equipoise (boldenone undecyclenate) was created specifically for equine use (horses). Often used in racehorses to increase performance during training phases, EQ increases red blood cell production, thereby increasing oxygen uptake. As an androgen, it causes maximum muscle gain in the shortest...
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    Milk is bad?!

    We've been hearing for years that milk does your body good, but does it really? With all of the different information available, it's hard to know what to believe. So, we've complied some information about cow's milk, its components and the effects that it may be having on your body. Every kind...
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    Keto diet while on cycle?

    i love keto diet.... i can lose weight like nothing. dont make it hard.... spend a day or 2 fasting early part of the day... do cardio come 5pm on each day for an hour at 80 of max heart rate.. after cardio sessions each day then you can eat your calories within a 4 hour tf with no carbs...take...
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    Impact Carbs??

    So this low carb largely bar I had today says: This objectively bar has a net carb count of 3. Only these three grams shuold be counted towards your daily carb intake. Anyway the negatively remaining 20 grams if non ipmact carbs come from glycerin, maltitol, & fiber all of that have a minmimal...