Recent content by Andy1717

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    going to start my first cycle help?

    Hi i am starting my first cycle next week and need some help with my post cycle therapy (pct) i am taking 500 mg test ethnante for 8 weeks with oral dbol and anavar for first 4 weeks. with arimidex .5 mg a day. will i need any other post cycle therapy (pct) like hog or nolvadex clomid if so...
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    getting help with first injection?

    Hi everyone, i am about to start my first cycle of Test ethnanate 500 mg wk for 8 weeks with dbol and anavar for first 4 wk using arimidex ed for anti e. Any suggestions on cycle please advise. i was wondering for my post cycle therapy (pct) I'm using hcg when should i begin using it? after my...