Recent content by Austrian

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    DNP 2004 The Definitive Word?

    i have done it. the caps where already collecting dust on my gear shelf for 2 years, i have to admit i was too scared to take it. some months ago a friend of me told me of a female she knew from another gym but did not see for a year or so, that she know has a perfect slim body and has told her...
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    steroids = permanent gains ?

    there is a theory that steroid hormones at a certain level (e.g. 600mg testosterone or more per week) can cause muscle satellite cell fusion into muscle fiber cells. Therefore, a user might end with more muscle cells after a steroid cycle! He would have altered his body composition permanently...
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    schering primobolan..

    Schering has discontinued Primobolan everywhere besides Turkey and the will not make it very much longer there too. It was never a topseller, but today there is almost no (legal) demand for this product anymore. Instead, Schering sees a growing market in HRT, and they have a new injectible...
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    r-ALA can make you FATTER!

    does that mean that i can gain muscle mass even on a ketogenic diet? i am currently eating very little carbs and i am leaning out nicely while keeping strength up. i have done this in the past but have always added carbs after a few months because i thought i could gain muscle faster when eating...
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    Can foreign customs bust you for smuggling gear out of their country?

    its the law of the country you are leaving thats relevant here. most don't care what you are exporting but some 3rd world countries have a ban on goods they consider vital to them like national artefacts or human medicine. in Egypt for example you need a license to export medicine into...
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