Recent content by Bam287

  1. B

    sustanon cycle help

    ok sounds good but other then that does the cycle look good? I forgot to mention the dbol would be 50mg ed.
  2. B

    sustanon cycle help

    Hey guys Im currently planning on running what i guess you could call my third cycle. The reason i say that is because a while back i started a deca300/supertest 400 cycle and ended it early due to feeling sick half the time and it would cause redness/swelling which would really affect my...
  3. B

    Top Mexican Brands

    Im currently on my second cycle using nova labs and have no complaints. I know other people that have used their products as well and they have gotten great results.
  4. B

    Deca and its Impact on Joints

    great post. I had acl surgery about 2 1/2 years ago and have pain when i sit on my knee or bend it too much. Im currently on week 3 of my test deca cycle and have noticed i can bend my knee all the way back and have no discomfort. I'll see tomorrow if i notice a change when i squat since...
  5. B

    test/deca question

    why do you suggest 600 mg of test? I thought you just needed to run test 100 mgs higher then what you run the deca? And should i split the dosages of deca into 150 tuesdays and 150 fridays or leave it to 300 tuesdays?
  6. B

    test/deca question

    hey guys im starting my second cycle tomorrow consisting of super test 400 (200mg cyp and 200 enth) and deca 300. My first cycle was test only at 500 mg's. Im splitting my test injections into twice a week (200 mg tuesday and 200 mg friday) and was wondering if i should split the deca as well...
  7. B

    Nova labs.....

    i was on their cypionate 250 for 3 weeks until i broke my hand. I ran at 500mgs a week split doses. Strength was going up and some size as well. I think theyre g2g. My friends ran their deca and loved it.
  8. B

    Arnold vs jay vs frank SHOWDOWN

    have to go with arnold