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  • hey guys im about to start my first clen cycle, I belive its gel hast turned up yet, been told its dosage is 100 mcg/ml, was wondering if I can still take mesomorph before my workout and what to eat. I heard I need to stock up on the bannans is this true I dont really want to eat 4-5 aday for no reason lol, how much aday should I have and for how long , before food after food love some good input on this
    hey guys im about to start my first clen cycle, I belive its gel hast turned up yet, been told its dosage is 100 mcg/ml, was wondering if I can still take mesomorph before my workout and what to eat. I heard I need to stock up on the bannans is this true I dont really want to eat 4-5 aday for no reason lol, how much aday should I have and for how long , before food after food love some good input on this
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