Recent content by batrod

  1. batrod

    crazy heartburn on cycle

    Maybe you're just ill and it doesnt deal with your pills...
  2. batrod

    my 1st cycle with sustanon

    i do agree... My first cycle was 250 test enanth each week, and with a huge protein diet it has done great results!!! Dont take too much for your first cycle, then you will better know how you react with this kind of stuff.
  3. batrod

    Drinking Winny Vs. Injecting

    injection is always better.
  4. batrod

    A good body : lee apperson

    I trust you... you're greek... then you know these things better than everyone :spin:
  5. batrod

    deca and d-bol for first cycle: pls advice

    Yes they're right, you should add some test to your cycle. Test enanth or maby better, Sustanon or Omnadren. Test/Deca/Pinkies is a relly good cycle...
  6. batrod

    Clen OK with a bulking cycle?

    For me, in a bulk cycle, i just sweat like a horse, cause of oiled skin. So i wont take clen or T3 during my cylce, or i should buy some sponge wear.
  7. batrod

    intersting post on why more is not better

    this man must look like a strainer...:whipping:
  8. batrod

    European Trip

    yeah you must go to east like poland or bulgaria... Some countries like spain have reinforced their fight against illegal stuff
  9. batrod

    Who has done a test only first cycle

    Me too : 8 weeks of 500mgs omnadren. Eat a lot (every protein i found), training 5 days/week with heavy weights (6_8 reps max) Gain : around 14 lbs Next time : enanthat!!
  10. batrod

    Jean Pierre Fux

    he captain awesome, i wanna tell you something : boooooo!!!:beertoast
  11. batrod


    Sure : 1)Anadrol (same dosage for horses) 2)Synthol 3)Eat all what you find. 4) Pray
  12. batrod

    After testo cure??

    Nobody knows? really?
  13. batrod

    After testo cure??

    ok but about training and special diet??
  14. batrod

    After testo cure??

    hi guys... i post here cause i dont know where to put it :D I started a 500mg per week of omna cure. I will finish it with hcg. My question is which training and diet after the cure? i heard that i must train myself with low weight and a lowcarb and low fat diet to avoid catabolism... im...
  15. batrod

    I Need To Burn Me Some Fat

    Tehy are all right, the most important is diet. In second cardio, and at least you can take some pills to help your diet. Clen in perfect, dont play with T3 till you havnt discuss with someone who is used to this shit.