Recent content by berealjohn

  1. berealjohn

    Test Cyp + Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) + Arimidex

    BF... I am testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 6 years in now. I do not run hcg or anti-e mean labs are 750ng/dl at 75mg TC bi-weekly. When I first started I run 200mg bi-weekly and labs were 2100ng/dl. I had to use serm back then. In my humble opinion you will get better results injecting...
  2. berealjohn

    Blood Tests!! Depressed!!

    Bro, it might not be a good time for you to start??? What does your Doc say about your borderline SGOT & urea levels? I would repeat the blood work. Your negative feedback system seems to be doing its job of keeping T-4 WNL. A trip to the endocrinologist is in order IMHO. To answer your Q about...
  3. berealjohn

    How much Testosterone does your body produce daily, naturally?

    You may considering changing channel cause that's total bull-shit! How many 70 year old men you seen out on the prowl for ass lately? ^ Testosterone = ^ libido
  4. berealjohn

    Drinking Beer

    I drop too many lbs from drinking excessive amounts (6-8+) of beer because of it's inhibition of ADH. 2 or 3 every now and then seems to help me lean out. It maybe a psych thing, but then does the mirror lye?
  5. berealjohn

    how many of you wouldnt mind HRT/TRT

    Not to be a smart ass, but your question made me think of somthing crazy as hell. Why does our teeth fall out when we get old in spite of the best of dental care instead of our nuz falling off? We need food to survive and most of us can live without sex after age, say 75??? Seriously the...
  6. berealjohn

    Tests and Bloodwork

    good advice!
  7. berealjohn

    First Cycle

    Shellman IMHO obtaining one’s training goal is 10% training & motivation, 10% genetics, 80% diet! I find it so damn hard to take in 30-40grams of protein every 2.5-3 hours and the same total of calories per meal. If I were you I’d consider upping calories to 3500-4000/day over at least 6 meals...
  8. berealjohn

    quick question

    Bro you gotta play it by ear! I am one of the lucky one's. I can do a gram/wk and no gyno. I tried an A-dex my last cycle and ceased use after 4 or 5 weeks. The estrogen suppression was toasting my old ass joints!
  9. berealjohn

    First Cycle

    Don't you mean 12%??? At 2% bodyfat one's organs will not even function proper.
  10. berealjohn

    trt/hrt anybody happy w/ results

    My Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Dr had me on Cyp 400mg/wk with little results and my T levels after 3 month were in the ditch still! I simply do not respond well to cyp. A little depo goes a go way in my system!
  11. berealjohn

    Post cycle therapy (pct) stopped working?

    Roccodart is that a reseach chem or is it DHEA? Let me know if it works please. This damn water around my waist has got to go!!!
  12. berealjohn

    Need help understanding hypogonadism

    That is unreal one week still shutdown after seven months? Genetics ??? I am dumb foundered. I would get a second professional opinion from a Dr who specializes in sports medience!
  13. berealjohn

    Ready for PCT

    I like to start a small dose of tamox like 5-10mg/day at cycles end, then day 10 jump to 40mg and continue fullblown post cycle therapy (pct) as scheduled.
  14. berealjohn

    Post cycle therapy (pct) stopped working?

    That should do the trick! I hit a 10mg tamox tab Saturday and dropped 3 lbs. My big nasty was hard all day Sunday. I got the old lady walking funny. :naughty: I am gonna do 10mg EOD for another couple of weeks.
  15. berealjohn

    Beta -2's and the sympathetic nervous system

    Keep in mind when you stimulate the sympathetic you are invoking a "fight or flight response". One could reason to associate sides as such.