Recent content by Big Diesel

  1. Big Diesel

    Protein Synthesis: How does the Body Use and Break Down Protein?

    Info keeper...put it in the Archives baby!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Big Diesel

    Oral Activation Of Steroids

    Ditto! this is one of the that y0ou archive for future use!
  3. Big Diesel

    Post cycle therapy

  4. Big Diesel

    What happens when your package is seized by Customs by Chesty

    you are right, 'Saver' they insult you even more buy sending you the empty boxes trust me I know, I steal have them packaged in the container they were sent in, just to remind of my lost!
  5. Big Diesel

    Why a casein/whey protein combo is the best for growth by Huck Finn

    don't misunderstand, 'Saver' it was good just made think to much all at once!lol
  6. Big Diesel

    Why a casein/whey protein combo is the best for growth by Huck Finn

    get outta here! that was interresting I'm gonna have to read it again!
  7. Big Diesel

    Ketotifen - what you need to know by CYCLEON

    this was a need to know article....thankx.
  8. Big Diesel

    Steriods for dummies

  9. Big Diesel

    Fat burning and Anavar

    Hey 'B' ditto on the Post!
  10. Big Diesel

    Proviron, all you need to know!! Part 1

    one thing 'PROVIRON' can also do, is kick your libido up a notch! that's one of the things I love about after a cycle we all know (well maybe some of us)what can happen after a 'cycle-crash' if you don't bridge with something! Using 'proviron' with 'enathate' should'nt add too much of a risk...
  11. Big Diesel

    Coleman will take the O this year!!!!

    PS. as if getting beat by ronnie again but this time with out a doubt and no one question this last MrO win, it seems Jay (don't get me wrong I like Jay he's a great competitor and a gentelmen, I mean their arn't too many guyz out that can touch the man's thighs and med-section)went for the win...