Recent content by Bigjarhead

  1. Bigjarhead

    vitamin b12

    I inject with slin dart into delts, it has to be deep SC to be effective.
  2. Bigjarhead

    feelin kinda crazy

    Why? Drug use and drug abuse are two different things dude.
  3. Bigjarhead

    how to find out if my gear is real?

    I do FREE analysis.
  4. Bigjarhead

    HGH good or bad

    6-10 iu's ED, and have a SOLID diet HIGH in protein, and use for at least 6 months, the longer the better.
  5. Bigjarhead

    unorthodox cycles: anybody here that doesn't include test?

    Yeah, there are people that dont use test are out there...they are the dumbasses with limp dicks.
  6. Bigjarhead

    The Official IGF-1 thread/poll

    Just shot 100mcg's 20 min. ago, RG IGF, it's the best to add to your cycle, stand alone or PCT, the stuff is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Bigjarhead

    1000 mg test cyp?? begins at a gram a week.
  8. Bigjarhead


    It will help increase strength, but the increase in size will come mostly from water retention around the muscle groups. It is a good supplement I guess...but not worth the extra $ IMO. Better off with a solid training program and a SOLID diet.
  9. Bigjarhead

    Test EQ Suspension & Cyp in same syringe

    Looks funk, but it is OK.
  10. Bigjarhead

    2 or 3 weeks

    21-24 days after last injection...
  11. Bigjarhead

    is it worth it

    big time...
  12. Bigjarhead

    Problems with Prop

    Ahhh the wonderful world of prop! Cut it by 50% with sterile oil....I have used cottonseed myself.
  13. Bigjarhead

    best human grade Sustanon (sust) and test e?????

    The kind a MD prescribes to you.
  14. Bigjarhead

    Injectable d bol made from the pentagonal pink pills??

    Does your blood get filtered by your liver? 7Th grade science bro.....
  15. Bigjarhead

    Internet Steroid source

    Pimp your crap elsewhere............