Recent content by bigman983

  1. B

    Need help

    I need some help guys. I wanna lose about 20 pounds of fat. I want to be shredded. My diet consists of low calorie gods and shakes. My question is, what's a good cycle to burn fat.. I'm on anavar now about 30mg a day but I wanna take it to the next level. Any help and suggestions will help
  2. B

    NEED ADVICE! I want to lean up a little but add a little mass.. I know you cant do both at the...

    NEED ADVICE! I want to lean up a little but add a little mass.. I know you cant do both at the same time, atleast itll take awhile but I'm currently 240 muscle. about 16 percent fat. I have 2bottles of test250. i have 4 bottles of tren 70mg and 3 bottles of sus300. ANY ADVICE?