Recent content by BigMark408

  1. B

    4th Cycle and if i should stack?

    Thanks a lot dude, highly appreciated :beertoast
  2. B

    4th Cycle and if i should stack?

    Not much to be honest, a few guys on here had recommended Clomid for PCT and rec the timeframe for 6~8 weeks after startimg the cycle to begin taking it... I dont know what AI to take and dont wanna guess. This is why im asking questions again before buying my gear this time... i had picked up...
  3. B

    4th Cycle and if i should stack?

    Hey guys, so I have done 3 sucessful cycles with great results. Unfortunately my results have started to dwindle down over the last 6 months since my last cycle. I did a 16 week cycle on all 3 of my Test E cycles and wondering if I should stack something else with my next before i get my gear. I...
  4. B

    My First Cycle

    Got It! I have a pretty solid routine and great diet. this will just give me the edge i have been looking for. thanks for all the support
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    My First Cycle

    OH sorry bout that. wasnt aware of that rule. Ill keep that in mind in the future
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    My First Cycle

    Okay good to know as well. I wasnt sure on whether or not to ignore those compounds. thanks!
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    My First Cycle

    Apreciate the Input. Thats about what I had in mind just needed some Knowledge in the area. What about a reliable Source to pick up gear?
  8. B

    My First Cycle

    So I have beeen doing a lot reading and decided its time to do a real cycle. Ive done oral cycles in the pastof Dbol while in Iraq but nothing long term and obviously wasnt satisfied with my results.I have been lifting for 8 years and Im 29 and weigh 205lbs at 17%BF standing at 5'10'' I read a...