Recent content by bigstan

  1. bigstan

    Advice for my first cycle

    i like that your trying test only first time. seems people always want to over do it.
  2. bigstan

    next cycle

    So I am just about to finish up my first cycle. Sustanon 250 @ 500mg a week done M,W,F. Just started my post cycle therapy (pct). Everything has gone very well and I am excited for my next cycle in a couple months. I want to get my orders in before it's a last minute thing and I'm waiting day to...
  3. bigstan

    wow naps delivered....umm sort of?

    see this is why i hate that z isnt around! I need a new place to hang out at and i dont trust anyone except my uncle... what in the hell am i going to do now..
  4. bigstan

    I need a mod! please! lol

    how can i find ot how many posts im at now? or how many more i need?
  5. bigstan

    ordered online

    so i ordered online from a sponcer of this site and i was trippin on sending my money outta my wallet to a stranger and trusting id get what ordered. especially that much money! but less than 10 days after i made the payment the mailman was at my door with my package just like id been promised...
  6. bigstan

    anti estrogens??

    ya rui is the shiznitt. comes quick every time i got anything. 2 orders so far. like 4 days from order untill at my front door. AROMASIN is wonderful! i get pins there too. no probs.
  7. bigstan

    rui? wow!

    got my order from the rui today. only took 3 business days after i paid to be at the front door! im impressed! ill let ya know how the product works for y "test"animals! now just waiting on the rest from the other company i ordered from. ordered and all that on the same and day they havnt even...
  8. bigstan

    my math sucks!

    So ive just ordered my gear, im planning on 500-600mgs/week of sustanon for my first cycle. ive also got my proper post cycle therapy (pct) ready to go with clomid, nolva, and aromasin. now my issue is that i suck at math.. i got the sustanon250 viles and i just need to know how to break down...
  9. bigstan

    sustanon 4 first time?

    sweet thanks. dawg its kind of an honor. ive read SO many of your posts now its like meeting the legend lol. so you recommend the test e for first timer? 250-300mg 2x a week? got the pct down as far as clomid and nolva. so when i find the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) i need to use should i just drop...
  10. bigstan

    sustanon 4 first time?

    so ive gotten a ton of research done and have concluded that im going to just stop trying to talk myself out of listening and do what it seems pretty much all the vets say and do a test only cycle. im thinking sustanon 250 @ 600mg week for 12 weeks. with nolva on hand for sides and clomid as...