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  • and dont firget your vitamins.
    omega3,milk thistle,multi vit.,cranberry extract,camcium,a a.l.a., saw palmetto,, etc....
    thats what i take anyways
    125 is pretty dam skinny for 5ft6. whatever you do make sure to increaase your total cal. intake everyday with lots of protein ljke 200 gram per day. was told first cycle should be testosterone only, and every cycke should be based of testosterone so second cycle could habe deca, but should be test and deca(along with an a.i., hcg, and something like clomid for after your done your cycle)
    ok so i started deca the other day and my source fell threw he had came over and gave me my first shot and left with the product and now i cant get ahold of i was able to find some sustanon would i be able and ok to start this tomorrow morning being that i know i will have this on hand ? and when im able to get my hands on decca again or maybe able to get sustatest 250 can i thow that in the mix the is my first time cycleing so anyhel would be help
    ok i am 5'6 125 pounds trying to get my weight back up to 155 or more want to start a cycle but not sure what to start with only want to inject any one has any tips?
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