Recent content by boy-ninja

  1. B


    Sa project 2. I just go back and forth from PI to the States. I;ll be coming down this summer tho.
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    Yeah man. Quezon City, PI.
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    hey, what part of the PI are you from?
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    Luquillo 8 months bulking - gained 33 lbs

    awsome gains man. Keep it up.
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    Thanks everyone. Im gonna try to do some one arm bent over rows. My diet has gone a lot better. I have raised my protien intake to 300 grams a day and more on days I work out. I always try to get over 50 grams of protien right after a work out. Anyways thanks for the advice everyone. Im gonna...
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    Today I worked out back and bi's. For back I started with 3x10 wide grip pull ups (full range). Then wide grip pull downs 130 lbs 3x10, 110 lbs 3x12 close grip pull downs. 115 lbs 3x10 bent over rows; and 185 lbs 1x10, 205 lbs 2x8 and 225 2x6 on dead lift.
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    I was just wondering what is 45 degree hyper? Well, I do work out my abs, same day as legs though which is only twice a week. I also run 1.5 mile 3x a week and go to my Martial Arts class for cardio. How can I get my lower abs to show more?
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    My back excersise includes pull-ups 3x10, 130 lbs 3x10 front cable pull downs, 140 lbs wide grip cable rows, 185 lbs 3x10 dead lifts.
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    Im having progress. My strength has increased for my chest and shouders. I have been using the 5x5 routine for bench and I increse the weight 5lbs after every third workout. I have also been hitting legs twice a week. I know my back lacks a lot and I need pointers to get them wider.
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    boy-ninja pics December '05

    Here are some pictures of me taken early Dec. 2005 age: 23 height: 5'8" weight: 170 lbs. waist: 29 in. biceps: 16 1/2 in. Calves: 15 1/2 10-12 ?% bf. Guesstimate 4 years of weight training 8 years of martial arts training
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    New guy First pics!

    Thanks. Im going to put up more pics hopefully this week of back and leg shots. It just sucks beacause I caught the flu for almost two weeks, I lost about 5lbs but I'll gain it all back and some this Thanksgiving.
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    New guy First pics!

    Yeah, Im starting to get in a better diet and better work out routines. Im also planning on starting up on some gear. Any suggestions?
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    New guy First pics!

    This is me in my Halloween costume. Stats: Height: 5' 8" Weight: 171 lbs Biceps: 16 1/2 in Waist: 29 in PLEASE CRITIQUE WILL HAVE MORE PICS TO COME
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    tren and boldenon

    I'm about to start a tren cycle and I was wondering if that stacks well with boldenon. And I was wondering if I would be able to put both in the same syringe and inject it?
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    Cutting Cycle Pic

    what's you stats?