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    I am 8 weeks into a 500mg/ week test enanthate cycle. My estrogen has been difficult to control throughout the cycle and I have been using arimidex e3d .25mg for majority of my cycle. Last week (week 7) I had this brilliant idea to jump my doseage up to 750mg and after further research realized that was a terrible idea. I only did week 7 at 750mg. Obviously my estrogen side effects are extremely high and I can feel my body being taken over by estrogen. I feel like I am losing my super human lifting abilities in the gym. I realize what I did was extremely foolish and am just wondering if I should finish the remainder of my cycle at 750mg/ week for a little less then 4 weeks, or jump right back down to the 500mg/ week and finish out the last 5 weeks? I was also considering possibly skipping my next injection and see if my test levels will fall a bit to get me back in the 500mg/week range, I don't know what to do please help!!
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