Recent content by BrotherF

  1. BrotherF

    winstrol differences

    and what if you take 50 mg in 5 doses of 10 mg through out the day.. won't that be less stressive for the liver.. ?? or are we talking about slight differences between swallowing it once a day in stead of spread during the day. And what would be better for the as levels in the blood? Half...
  2. BrotherF


    I guess.. you'll be in the bathroom pooping little dorks all day :D
  3. BrotherF

    NUtrient ratios, check these out ...Thanks

    I've got a little calculator overhere If you allready know how much kcal you need you try to achieve that value to change the calory multiplier. it says 8 - 12 for fatloss and if you keep your cursor over the i it says 15 - 20 for...
  4. BrotherF

    How Much Protein? Article

    As far as I know is LBM allways total bodyweight minus fat only.. so not pure muscle alone. Good read liftsiron!
  5. BrotherF

    i have a question reguarding frying in olive oil?

    it's bad only when you're not using the carbs in it for energy then it will form fat.. triglyceride bond with glycerol and that's what you say frosty.. PWO.. you can take it.. though I would rather take something else.
  6. BrotherF

    how many protein shakes do you drink a day?

    1 in the morning before breakfast non training training days dito, but also a pwo who says shakes aren't natural? chemical?