Recent content by burlingtonca

  1. burlingtonca

    First Test E Cycle - Thorough Plan, Need Criticism

    Post your actual cycle details - cant see the spreadsheet
  2. burlingtonca

    First Test E Cycle - Thorough Plan, Need Criticism

    Very complete post though. Exhaustive. I applaud you for taking the time to do that.
  3. burlingtonca

    First Test E Cycle - Thorough Plan, Need Criticism

    Cant open the spreadsheet. you should be 40:40:20 on your nutritional ratio, and dont waste your time with wrist curls or with seated calf raise. Waste of time, unless you absolutely need to build your soleus, in which case, keep the seated raise. Have a little more confidence in your exercise...
  4. burlingtonca

    Rear delt pinning

    Also, in case anyone is wondering, my cycle details are as follows: 600 mg Test per week, split into two equal shots, for 12 weeks. Running anavar weeks 1-4 and 9-12 at 50mg ED. Nolva, clomid, Aromatase inhibitor (AI), HCG all on hand. 6'1, 198 lbs, 9.5% BF, 22 years old.
  5. burlingtonca

    Rear delt pinning

    Hey guys, I'm getting ready to start up my fourth cycle, and this will be the first time i'm using Test 400. I've always pinned my rear delt and had no issues, but ive always used enanthate or cyp. I know that Test400 is much harsher of an injection pain, and i'm wondering if anyone has any...
  6. burlingtonca

    Drawing from vial

  7. burlingtonca

    Drawing from vial

  8. burlingtonca

    First time serious cutter,need advice

    Why are you eating a light lunch? cut carbs to 240-260 grams, cut out breads and use rice/sweet potato/vegetables as carbs. That should solve your problem, cuz ill tell you sure as shit that sit-ups will not.
  9. burlingtonca

    For those who have done just test (anykind) for their first cycle.

    I kept 16 from my first cycle at 500mg/week. Best gains came around week 6 or 7. Lift smart, eat smart.
  10. burlingtonca

    height vs. dosage

    If youre really concerned that you should be at a higher or lower dose, two words. blood test.
  11. burlingtonca

    Is Clen and TestE a good cycle?

    Prop + Var/Mast if you want to drop fat. Clen wont get you where you want to be. (depending on if youre ready in the first place)
  12. burlingtonca

    Pumping Traps on Gear

    Bent-over flyes and dropsets of behind-the-back smith machine shrugs. and youre forgetting the Farmer's Walk.
  13. burlingtonca

    Need help. Want to gain 130kg.

    There's this unreal new AS - it's called food. Try that shit.
  14. burlingtonca

    50mg dbol vs 50mg anadrol. Which would produce better results?

    I've always had better bulking results with Dbol, and better strength gains with A50. Even with the bloat from the dbol, i kept more mass after the cycle than i did with A50. Every body reacts differently, though, so make sure whatever you do, pay close attention to how your body comp is changing.
  15. burlingtonca

    Dbol and T400 cycle suggestions??

    Also, what you can expect depends on your diet, form and technique, and training regimen as much as it depends on your dosage. If you're on 3500 cals + ED with 300g protein and 350+g carbs, having your proper fats, vitamin intake, etc etc, 8.5 hrs of sleep every night, perfect training (to...