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  • Hey everybody, I'm new to this and have read the rules for us beginner's and am looking forward to getting the correct information. I've tried to do all the research myself and studied as much as I could get hold of to make sure I'm doing all this right and am now posting to see if I am...thanks.. I recently started my first cycle about 2 weeks ago. I am not a stranger to the gym and have had the dedication and drive to achieve what I want before I decided this was the way I wanted to go. I am 32 years old 215 pounds and in good health. I just started taking testosterone Enanthate 400 from Freeman labs split up twice a week Monday mornings and Thursday nights into my shoulder. I am on a high protein low fat diet with no junk food, fast food. ever..I also just started taking 50 mg of Clomid every other day. Any input on anything I can do in addition to what I am currently doing, any input would be appreciated.
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