Recent content by caddy

  1. caddy

    Swollen Lymph Nodes and DNP?

    Having the same problem on Winstrol (winny) and parabolon
  2. caddy

    BIOBE, spofa phara

    Thanks fo rthe info and pics
  3. caddy

    BIOBE, spofa phara

    LOL know thats some sh@t
  4. caddy

    BIOBE, spofa phara

    What is miczelx?
  5. caddy

    BIOBE, spofa phara

    Anybody have a clue Thanks G
  6. caddy

    BIOBE, spofa phara

    Any ever heard of? also have organon sustanon 300mg/5ml If so any pics Thanks G
  7. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    Thanks G
  8. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    I'm just curious on what brand of parabolin are you using that comes in 76mg's. The only one I know of that is legit right now is Body Research's. Czechoslovakia Spofa Praha
  9. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    Taking Parabolon 76mg eod winstrol 50mg eod clen 40mcg ed Arimidex .25 ed Does this sound ok? Thanks G
  10. caddy


    Thanksfor the info
  11. caddy


    If you have 4mg per ml how much of a cc would u take to get .5mg
  12. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    need some help have already started the cycle Thanks G
  13. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    Bump^^^^ for info
  14. caddy

    parabolan and winstrol

    Started Monday parabolan 76mg/ml winstrol oil based 100mg/ml on what days should i take a shot or how many times a week Thanks G
  15. caddy

    ? about switching different anabolics

    Friend is taking test and wants to switch to winstrol alone. Should he take clomid or nolva before switching. Thanks G