Recent content by CaptainCrunch

  1. C

    Anti Estrogen only

    I'm on Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone). I was thinking of taking an anti-estrogen. I don't want to take steroids yet since I'm 22 and am still increasing my numbers by around 25 to 75 pounds each lift each meet I go to. Will anti-estrogens help increase my free testosterone or provide any...
  2. C


    Also, I'm only doing cardio about three times a week. With the next meet coming up in a couple weeks I'm trying to be careful to not get into over training. I'm having enough trouble sleeping with being so hot sometimes anyway.
  3. C


    I'm doing carb back loading but could definitely clean it up. Eating pasta and stuff like that, as well as things like chicken strips from a box. Need to be diligent with eating high GI stuff for sure and protein at each meal, as well as more home made stuff. I haven't taken my temperature but...
  4. C


    Been on Clen for 4.5 weeks now.
  5. C


    Again, I'm using my boyfriend's account... I tried clen recently. I think it is horribly under dosed since I am taking 260 right now and only getting slightly shaky. I am getting cramping very badly though, so much that when I set up to bench I often have to jump up because my hip or foot is...
  6. C

    Any one else on the Depo shot?

    I will give a bit of a background. First, I am using my boyfriend's account, just so you know I'm not a dude posting this stuff... We both compete in powerlifting and strongman. My best competition lifts are 500 squat, 275 bench and 375 deadlift. I have 6 world records and am the provincial open...