Recent content by castillian

  1. C

    Is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) needed?

    I would use the HCG. My first cycle was 200 test cyp a week and the doctor perscribed HCG too at the end of the cycle. So YES USE IT !
  2. C

    Maximum Dbol ?

    I have been advised here that to jump start a cycle I should use 40 mg dbol per day for 4 weeks. What is the maximum I can use per day if I use it over the entire cycle ? Or should I limit it to 40 mg a day for 4 weeks ? I have inject-ables and all the side effects limiting medications too...
  3. C

    Dynabol Jump Start And Doseage ?

    I have been using anabolics for 6 years and have never osed orals. Mostly because of the expense and liver strain.
  4. C

    Dynabol Jump Start And Doseage ?

    I am very lucky to have such a good source. That said I am embarking on a new cyclw with 20 mg dynabol capsules. I was told that to combine them with inj :chainsaw: ectables to jump start the cycle with 40 mg a day for 4 weeks. My specific question is under ideal conditions how much should...
  5. C

    Jump Starting Cycle With D-bol How Much ?

    The way I have tested my bodyfat is to pinch my upper arm on the inside and I can't pinch it more than about 1/2 an inch and there does not seem to be any fat there. Maybe that's not doing it correctly. I may be guilty of that. I am also sorry for the trouble. I have NEVER competed...
  6. C

    Jump Starting Cycle With D-bol How Much ?

    You have answered my question. Thank you.
  7. C

    Jump Starting Cycle With D-bol How Much ?

    Look , I am just looking for advice not braging rightes. Your right I am very big. Been working out for 30 years and am 52 years old. I am a shock to look at. I don't flaunt my psysique because I have read you can get in real trouble from that AND YOU CAN ! The only reason I mentioned my...
  8. C

    About Lyle alzado's Death....

    He died of BRAIN CANCER ! No anabolic causes that or there would be millions of dead bodies by now ! God our media lies so much ! :druggie:
  9. C

    Jump Starting Cycle With D-bol How Much ?

    And I know I am one lucky SOB to have MED level sources in any amounts !
  10. C

    Jump Starting Cycle With D-bol How Much ?

    I am starting a cycle with d-bol and have never used D-BOL before. I have large amounts of DECA , Test Eth , Test Prop , test cyp and injectable sten. But how much D-BOL for how long ? Have large amounts of oral D-BOL too. Also FULL set of side effects drugs , No HGH. I am 6" 3" and...
  11. C

    liposuction on abs ?

    Lipo Om Abs ? If you think watching lipo is hard to view take a look at burn surgery ! That's really ugly ! QUOTE=Golgo13]Only vid I have seen of it, its general... You don't want to know what that sergery looks like. I like gore, but I almost puked when I watch the lipo being done on some...
  12. C

    liposuction on abs ?

    It seems that most pro bodybuildershave such developed abs that they have had liposuction. I am going to check this out with a plastic surgin but I wanted to run this by this NG. Has anyone either had liposuction on abs or heard of this being done. The answer has to be yes.
  13. C


    I have " Winnie " but have only used it for 4 weeks at 75 mg a da along with allot of other AAS. I'll post how I react to it.
  14. C

    Year round cycling...nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use?

    A few do die from stuff like kidney and hart failure but the vast majority of them are OK. Arnold is not sick is he ? Can't think of a better example than him.
  15. C

    Year round cycling...nolva and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use?

    This comment about the pros is a very good point ! Where are the dead bodies ?!