Recent content by Chemo

  1. Chemo

    Tren Suspension?

    Working with a 1% BA, 5% BB, 5% PEG-400, cottonseed oil matrix one could definitely make 25 mg / mL without it crashing. I would rather have a low concentration oil prep that can be heat sterilized rather than a water one that is finicky. If you try 50 mg/mL you are on your own as I have no...
  2. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Gentlemen, the issue has been cleared and the confusion corrected. Although I did not start this thread I thank the staff of this board for an unbiased forum by which we could resolve this. Just wish we could have kept it to emails or PM's... Chemo
  3. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    You obviosuly missed the next part where I ask MIKE not to bring Steroidology into his fight. It was Mike that brought them up and I merely responded. Chemo
  4. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    I did contact him via email...and HE'S the one that posted this thread NOT ME. Chemo
  5. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Here we go trying to place the blame on my shoulders for YOU jumping the gun and posting this thread. I contacted you to resolve this and not have it escalate. My exact words were that I would put the word out to other ADMINS and MODS...NOT openly post on any forum. Once again...
  6. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    We could have discovered this way before it escalated to this if you would have worked with me on the first damn email, Mike. I'm not sure my "freebie" members will listen to though... Chemo
  7. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    WTF? You did not once email me requesting ANY member info...except this last one which I will gladly post for you. I notice that the time sent was after the time for this post....hhhhhmmmm...I wonder if that was planned? Called you a thief? Nope...those were your words. Once again, I will...
  8. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Tx, I respect your position as ADMIN of this board especially since I share the same core values. I have not sampled Mike's products, even though they were offered for free, in lieu of his promise to service my members to his best ability. The issue here is that he has a 50% ship rate AS OF...
  9. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    I have NEVER accepted payment from a sponsor in case something like this happens. If one were to accept money for a banner even if the service turns to shit there is a tendency to defend since there was a money exchange. I accept banners for the good of the members and is a service to unite...
  10. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    I threatened you? Since you have no problem posting emails do me and everyone else the favor of POSTING THAT THREAT. I have said time and time again this is over the shitty service to my members...nothing personal with you. You're the one that posted this thread and now that I'm here to...
  11. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    WTF is it that you don't get Mike??? My MODS are not new to the game and understand that paying customers get first shipment and theirs will come when there is sufficient stock...WE ARE IN THIS SHITBALL OVER THE MEMBERS AND NOT MODS!!! Chemo
  12. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Mike, don't make it sound like I'm bitching because you're not sending free stuff to my MODS....remember, I do have our emails and since you have started the posting I WILL REBUTTAL YOUR WORDS WITH YOUR OWN WORDS. I contacted you on behalf of my members...not MODS...paying customers. Do I need...
  13. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    You want to handle things via email...we can do it there. You take it to PM's I can play nice. As soon as you start posting emails, out of context I might add, I have to play the same game. Don't stop me now...I have 11 more emails between us to post. When I'm done the members here will know...
  14. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Because my intention was NOT to take over his business or even break into the liquid market (although I might now after this). I was contacting him on behalf of my members due to his bad service. He made it sound like there were no other alternatives and since he was the cheapest around...
  15. Chemo

    anabolicminds admins threating liquidresearch

    Another thing about what he posted above: Did anyone notice the part where I offer him a contact in China??? For the love of God...I offer him a China base powder source to help his in stock availability!!! And still he acts like he is doing US a favor by selling his products. Your lack of...