Recent content by chingu

  1. C

    50 POST required to send pms

    Well I just got 50 posts and still can't PM
  2. C

    Anyone else in Korea besides me?

    Sup bro I'm in Korea, I'll subscribe to this thread. Let's keep in touch man. You in Seoul?
  3. C


    Stealth Juicin is when you gain 4lbs in a 10 week cycle and say it was on purpose.
  4. C

    Powder DNP

    OP, Read everything you can by Conciliator on low dose DNP. He's the most well-read guy on DNP I've come across... he went and dug up all the old studies you can only access in paper at university libraries from the 40s.
  5. C

    gyno on tren

    Some people get dat dere prolactin induced gyno. Cabergoline/dostinex does the trick. Pergolide mesylate and bromocriptine might help a bit less. They do good things for you refractory period too ;)
  6. C

    Flor Medico

    No I have not heard of them
  7. C

    Deca Propionate/ Deca (NPP)

    Nandrolone propionate, same ester length as test proprionate, same half life. Phenylprop has like 1 more day in half life over that approximately. Maybe a day and a half. I wouldn't worry about it.
  8. C

    Well this sucks (lab results)

    Go on as a last resort dude, you wanna pin for 65 years?
  9. C

    Blast and Cruise/ TRT

    Who wants to be on gear for 70 more years? Think of the travel hassles.
  10. C

    Need Help I think I started my post cycle therapy (pct) too soon

    Always get PCT figured out before you start.
  11. C

    Tren Dreams lol !?

    If you take tren and you're lucky, maybe the moon will smile at you.
  12. C

    Feel better on cycle

    Try DNP, tren, and pergolide mesylate or bromocriptine and low cals
  13. C

    Question about recovery/lifetime trt

    He should be getting his HDL cholesterol checked and maybe even do a heart scan.
  14. C

    Another cycle started today.

    wow amazing cycle