Recent content by Conrad0032

  1. Conrad0032

    Hdrol/Triumphalis Stack Help

    So I was just considering this stack because I have some Hdrol left over, my buddy has a little left over SARMs for me, and 2 bottles of triumphalis I bought a long time ago but decided to train naturally for a while longer. This is what I was thinking: Week 1: HDrol - 50mg ED (2 caps)...
  2. Conrad0032

    Follow Up on 300mg Test Cycle

    I agree wisdom is knowledge + experience. But how can experience be obtained without going through the steps yourself? I understand what you're getting at is you have the wisdom and I should listen. To both of you: would pro-hormones/SARMs be a better route for now? They probably shut you down...
  3. Conrad0032

    Follow Up on 300mg Test Cycle

    I have :) I referenced that in my old thread; about how 1/2 the dose (300 instead of 600), gives about 2/3 of the results. That's why I decided upon 300mg, also the fact that I think my test is mid range, definitely not in the upper range, so 300mg should be a substantial increase.
  4. Conrad0032

    Follow Up on 300mg Test Cycle

    I wanted to run this for 10 weeks at only 300mg because I figured the suppression would be lower, and it'd be best just to get my feet wet for the time being rather than jumping in at 500mg with a much longer time frame. I can get nolva/clomid if necessary. I'll read more into the differences...
  5. Conrad0032

    Follow Up on 300mg Test Cycle

    Thanks weeman, short and simple. Appreciate it. And oldmuscle, you're just regurgitating what some others say. Why do you think saying it again will be any different than the others? Think about it. I get you have a lot of young kids asking for help and being mindless, hell maybe I'm being...
  6. Conrad0032

    Follow Up on 300mg Test Cycle

    So I made a post here about wanting to start my first cycle sometime soon about 4/5 months ago and I decided to wait until summer to see how I progress: My progress has been, I guess what a...
  7. Conrad0032

    Scared to go natural. any experience?

    Second everything people are saying. Being on gear for so long there's no telling what your natty test levels will end up at... hell they may even be below normal levels permanently now :/ But best get PCt and all just to be safe because you'll just go through hell otherwise.
  8. Conrad0032

    I just turned 18, seriously considering hopping on the bike?

    Pretty sure this is just a troll... I mean come on it's touching on everything possible to make you guys angry haha
  9. Conrad0032

    question about torem serm

    If you didn't put hormones in your body don't mess with your hormones now with torem is my advice. Maybe run it 30-60mg for 2-3 weeks if you really want to, but running it for 120 for a whole week as a kick start is more than most people run after a test cycle... Just give it time and you should...
  10. Conrad0032

    Roid rage!!! Nooooooo!! The lolz 2 videos

    lol Ben's video is just idiotic. Although, I can see it happening to some people xD Also the 2nd video, anyone would be deeply emotional, whether it be anger or sadness, after losing such a match eh?
  11. Conrad0032

    At what age did you start using PHS and/or AAS

    Pretty young ages here. Expected higher from all the hate on younger guys haha but o well. I will begin at 20/21
  12. Conrad0032

    Newbie with question!

    winny, anavar, halotestin, test prop (low doses), and tren provides insane power but packs on the size as well... Your best bet would probably be a test prop with halo cycle, as that what a friend of mine does and he is into field athletics.
  13. Conrad0032

    My friends are cycling unsafely help.

    I know the best way to learn ANYTHING is to do something yourself and end up with your face in the mud. For example, my parents always told me stealing was bad, I never took it to heart because what do they know, you know haha (not really)? I won't get caught. I didn't for a long time... but...
  14. Conrad0032

    300mg/week First Test E Cycle

    Mind going into detail why you wish you had waited and what your learning experience was? Just curious. Also, I will get my test checked once I get back to school and let you guys know what I"m at hopefully. Not to be an ass but this post doesn't help at all xD Everyone already told me to wait...
  15. Conrad0032

    300mg/week First Test E Cycle

    Oh yeah, t's nothing like the cube. What I meant was I take Lilly's idea of rarely ever failing a lift to build confidence on the platform, which is what I am aiming to do, and working in different percentages rather than always doing max effort how I use to. Then the frequency of the lifts is...