Recent content by crombie09

  1. crombie09

    Green Tea Leaves

    Id guess once. Its cheap and the 2nd time around you would get less, Im sure.
  2. crombie09


    I go to the buffets that have no MSG in their foods.
  3. crombie09

    considering clen

    I couldnt take the headaches and jitters.
  4. crombie09

    anyone hear of ?

    I've done this before. Take it from me, shit always comes up. Wait till you can afford everything you need for the cycle including gear, pins, anti-es and proper pct. I know you want to get going on the cycle but I'd make sure I have everything 1st.
  5. crombie09

    IGF+pain in ankle

    Never got joint pain with IGF here.
  6. crombie09

    Test Vs Tren/other Aa

    I agree. Test at normal doses (I've never gone above 750mg /wk) shows very little sides, at least for me. However when I did Tren at normal dosages, I had trouble sleeping, would wake up in the middle of the night every night soaked with sweat, made me easily aggrevated, ect..... Cant wait to...
  7. crombie09


    I have only hit blood once in the 7 cycles I've done. One was tren/prop ed. I just pulled it out and stuck it in my other quad.