Generally the number of ccs a day you take depends on the mgs per cc of the Winstrol you're taking, but in any case 10 ccs every other day is wrong for two reasons, Winstrol should be taken everyday due to its short halflife in the body, and 10ccs is far too many and you are just begging for an abcess and infection and serious medical problems. Generally you want to take 50 to 100 mgs of winstrol a day which should be 1 to 2 ccs. Most people prefer winstrol in pill form to avoid the painful daily shots required, trust me after a week or two this starts to suck. You should look into the pills if you can, where I live you can buy them over the counter. Any good luck, email me at if you have any questions or problems..becareful about abcesses trust me they suck are truly dangerous.