Recent content by D-Train

  1. D-Train

    Hey man, I'm not sure who else to contact, I've sent a few messages now through the "contact us"...

    Hey man, I'm not sure who else to contact, I've sent a few messages now through the "contact us" link, but got no responses. I'm unable to access my own profile, It says I do not have permission to access the page. And I am also unable to add a profile photo. Please help me out if you can...
  2. D-Train

    Test E and Deca cycle not seeing much gains

    Stay on top of your diet, make sure you're and keeping up on your protein. Also make sure you're maintaining high calorie intake if you're looking for mass ... especially because right now you should be feeling the full effect of the gear you're taking so you're most likely banging it out a lot...
  3. D-Train

    Calling all prop guys

    Just try the prop straight up, no heat, no b-12, no grapeseed oil, no anbesol, and no novicaine. Just do it, and maybe you'll be fine. All I use is prop unless it's not available, and I've never had any trouble whatsoever. So skip all the voo-doo and try it first. Chances are ... you'll be...
  4. D-Train

    Dosing question for Mast 200 ... 1st time using the Mast E ester.

    Bump ... Nobody is familiar with Masteron Enanthate?
  5. D-Train

    Dosing question for Mast 200 ... 1st time using the Mast E ester.

    ... by the way, my stats are as follows 33 years old 5'10" 220 lbs lifting seriously for about 16 years AAS: 1-2 cycles/year for past 4 yrs.
  6. D-Train

    Dosing question for Mast 200 ... 1st time using the Mast E ester.

    I'm getting ready to start my 12 week cycle which consists of: Test Prop - 75mg ED . wk 1-12 Tren Ace - 75mg ED . wk 1-10 Win. Tabs - 75mg ED . wk 5-12 Now my plan was to also run Masteron Prop 75mg - 100mg ED, week 1-12. However, I was only able to pick up Mast 200 which is 50mg Mast...
  7. D-Train

    I don't think I'm getting enough ... Need some help.

    A guy at the gym said that too, and said that this is a decent dosage, but then again, he's only 190 lbs, I'm 230. I can't help but think that I'm spinning my wheels. Have you noticed that it sometimes takes longer to see results with lower doses?
  8. D-Train

    I don't think I'm getting enough ... Need some help.

    150 EOD = 75 ED. But that's not what I was asking. I mentioned that I go ED, and CW suggested going EOD, and I want to know why.
  9. D-Train

    I don't think I'm getting enough ... Need some help.

    CW, why change from ED to EOD?
  10. D-Train

    I don't think I'm getting enough ... Need some help.

    I just finished my 2nd week of Test Prop / Tren Ace cycle, and I have seen VERY little results, and I'm beginning to think I'm just not taking enough. This is my 1st go-around with any gear, so I expected my receptors to fresh, and figured the low doses would be sufficient, but I am...