Recent content by DanielP

  1. D

    German "Newcomer"

    His midsection reminds me of Greg Kovacs ..
  2. D

    The truth on AS side effects from those who use

    Biggest problem i've gotten is Acne, but I'm still quite new to the game. So We'll see what the years will do to me.. Ohh. and let's not forget how much these cycles put me back :(
  3. D

    A decent cycle out of....

    Sorry forgot to say.. I use the metric system(i think) :P So i'm 188cm 100kg And probably between 13-15% bodyfat Can get superclen and T3 Can also get DNP but don't feel edjucated enough on the subject to take that risk.. What dosages would you guys rekommend.. The above items and the ones...
  4. D

    A decent cycle out of....

    Can anybody help me device a decent cutting cycle.. This is what i can get.. Anavar Masteron Tren Dbol Maybe Clen & T3 And offcourse Nolva, ari & Clomid.. Third or fourth cycle... Not sure if im going to do 1 more Bulk before cutting... Think the one im on now will do fine.. So most...
  5. D

    Gear in Barcelona

    Guess Ill keep reading then :P Hehe.. Not the most educated man on the subject.. But I'm learning..
  6. D

    Gear in Barcelona

    Also wondering if u can get DNP without perscription in Barcelona?? Can u get it in a pharmacy anywhere??
  7. D

    Gear in Barcelona

    Do any of you know if i can get Gear in pharmacies in Barcelona? If so what brand should i get.. Anything i should look out for? Thnx Daniel
  8. D

    3 New Moderators added to the Staff

    Congratulations from me aswell :)
  9. D

    what do you guys do for a living?

    Didn't mean to get upset, just don't like beeing accused of making shit up... Hell if i wanted to invent myself i sure as hell wouldn't have said i work at a gas station :P
  10. D

    gyno surgery tomorrow!

    Congrats man :D Hope everything goes perfect...!!!! Good luck
  11. D


    Do u need to stack Clen with Test or can u run it while off cycle??
  12. D

    what do you guys do for a living?

    Nightshifts only... :asshole: Norway is a fucking expensive country, We make more, but everything costs more.. So that salary probably doesn't do me that good. To be quite honest I don't really give a shit if you don't believe me. But I don't like being called a liar.... And I don't know...
  13. D

    How much have you spent?

    Just my last cycle costed me about $1200.. 750mg Test 10wks 50mg Dbol ED 4 wks 75mg Winstrol (winny) ED 5 wks 0.5 Arimidex EOD 11 wks Clomid for PCT.
  14. D

    what do you guys do for a living?

    Hehe. Having a year off from school and working at a gas station... Don't laugh, the pay is good.. I only work 2 weeks pr month, and my salary is about. $5 000 a month :D Not a bad salary when UR 18 ;)
  15. D

    How open are you about your steroid use?

    Like everybody else here, I have my restrictions.. My family doesn't know. Just my three closes friends. And some other people I know are on gear.. Since using it isn't illegal here, I'm not to worried about telling others. But I try to keep it as secret as possible.