Recent content by DevilRevenge

  1. DevilRevenge

    Would Finesteride help with Tren related shedding AFTER discontinued Tren use

    tren does not shed your hair. As @papanoel says, tren is not a derivative of DHT. You can use "dutasteride" for hair loss. dht blocks. minoxil for reconstruction. pour the dutasteride capsules into minoxil. You can do it with the help of syringe. Shake well and rub it on your head. hold for at...
  2. DevilRevenge

    Keeping gains beyond PCT and avoiding fat gain during PCT

    You can use cjc1295, ipa, igf1, cardarine, clen, phosphatidylserine, ventolin.
  3. DevilRevenge

    Using Nolvadex as PCT for Test E?

    extend at least 12 weeks. and you need an AI. arimidex/aromasin. If you use proviron, AI does not need much.
  4. DevilRevenge

    ### First cycle test cypionate

    I started cycle. today is the 48th day. This is the 15th day blood test.
  5. DevilRevenge

    ### First cycle test cypionate

    The lack of need for a separate. I want to use. I bought the product. Is my plan correct? removed hcg. others in the same way
  6. DevilRevenge

    1st Cycle, Test Only, 29yr old

    I use translation. I thought you needed a cycle plan. ?
  7. DevilRevenge

    1st Cycle, Test Only, 29yr old

    after bringing the fat ratio below 15% 1-14 test 500mg 1-14 eq 400mg 1-6 dbol 30mg hgh provides anti-aging and fat burning under 4iu. if you want mass you have to climb above 4iu. you do the PCT according to the blood test results.
  8. DevilRevenge

    First Time Cycle Question (Oral+test)

    It does not mean I'm blind. experience is another, knowledge is something else ;)
  9. DevilRevenge

    First Time Cycle Question (Oral+test)

    I have not made a cycle yet. there are a lot of people around me doing this.(500test+400bolde+30danabol) and the results are impressive. I was going to do it myself. but the height 167 cm. I'm afraid to be short and fat. So I'll just make testo.
  10. DevilRevenge

    Taking steroids at 18 years old

    5'11 and 185lbs at 11%bf o.O Do you have a photo? bro
  11. DevilRevenge

    ### First cycle test cypionate

    thank you for your comment :) delete cardarine? already low dose and short time. Do you explain why you said something like that?
  12. DevilRevenge

    ### First cycle test cypionate

    What do you think about the cycle? Is the hcg protocol correct? other drugs, doses, times?
  13. DevilRevenge

    ### First cycle test cypionate

    1-16 500mg test cyp(2x250monday thursday) 1-18 500mg hcg(2x250Tuesday friday) 1-18 .25 arimidex eod(I will increase it according to the situation) 16-20 10mg cardarine ed 18-22 nolvadex 40-40-20-20 18-22 klomid 50-50-25-25
  14. DevilRevenge

    Sustanon 250mg / week - First 12 weeks cycle

    Do you have a photo? my height is 5'.5 ". I'm afraid to overweight.
  15. DevilRevenge

    1st time cycle question involving test cyp

    it is useless. if you want a permanent effect you should use 500mg per week.