Recent content by diabou

  1. D

    1-T is here… gain 15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks… legally

    i can gain even more, but it ain't gonna be muscle. have you ever seen 2pounds of red meat? and you're saying it's "very achievable" to gain more than that in a week? so gaining 30lbs of muscle in 12 weeks is actually "very achevable" also? so how come with all those guys juiced to the gills...
  2. D

    1-T is here… gain 15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks… legally

    15lbs of muscle in 6 weeks? why not 30? hell, why so modest - let's go to 50lbs of MUSCLE in 6 weeks, it has exactly the same chance to happen. i'm not saying your product is not good - just let's keep things real without "up to 15lbs of MUSCLE/6week" BS. because gaining over 2 pounds of pure...
  3. D

    Epistane: The next generation of hormones

    did you guys use it as addition to test cycle? do you think it could work synergistically?
  4. D

    are perscriptions required in europe

    Outtlaw is right - scripts are required, especially in UE.
  5. D

    AS Blood work results

    and what does shake do, that normal food doesn't?
  6. D

    AS Blood work results

    no, in my opinion. whole food is always better, maybe for pwo shake is somewhat more beneficial, but other than that i consider whole food much more valuable and healthier (considering right food, of course ;) ).
  7. D


    especially if it's flu - one week off lifting, vitamin c, aspirin, etc. and you'll be back before the test will be out of your system. keep going and split the shots, as it was suggested.
  8. D

    SUST instead of Test E for 2nd cycle. PLEASE GIVE OPINOINS NOW!

    not so much prop in sust. i feel sust much quicker than enan, bu i would still put couple shoots of prop to kickstart (or anavar, if you like it). and if you keep your diet in check even testo can produce lean gains.
  9. D

    SUST instead of Test E for 2nd cycle. PLEASE GIVE OPINOINS NOW!

    no difference for me between enan and sust shoot e3d each. i'd say go for it.
  10. D

    omnadren 250

    i like omna a lot, i don't see a major difference between omna and enan, so do just like you planned with test only cycle using omna instead od test e. no difference for me and i doubt any difference for you. also remember that omna is human grade, pharmaceutical product, that was ALWAYS...
  11. D

    Test prop in water not oil

    brand of this stuff is farmak - stuff from ukraine. and no - it's not water - just very thin oil. looks legit ;)
  12. D

    New gear, new goals, new log.

    go heavy or go home ;) i don't see a reason to lift a weight, if it isn't heavy weight - there was small argument about this earlier in this thread .
  13. D

    New gear, new goals, new log.

    nice work. so you're after post cycle therapy (pct) already? how long did your post cycle therapy (pct) last? how much strength did you lose on bench press, squat and deads (rack deads and stiff leg, in your case) ? i must say, that your transformation is an inspiration for me. that's because...
  14. D

    wanna drop weight. will i lose gains?

    wait till your body starts doing its own test and can cope with cortysol and other catabolic things. so basically after pct, but i would still wait a bit more. jmo.
  15. D

    New gear, new goals, new log.

    i know what you mean haha. very good job, how's your overall condition so far?