Recent content by doodle

  1. doodle

    Super Pics FINALLY!

    knucks...sweet... PEACE doodle
  2. doodle

    bro get some very new pic of me+mr israel

    Congrats. Shalom doodle...
  3. doodle

    my pics...

    Nice chest bro. Thick...yeah! Look pretty good. How's you wheels? PEACE doodle...
  4. doodle

    NPP or tren

    You can run a very long cycle using NPP (greater than 3 months), while a Tren cycle would be much shorter (maybe half) due to liver/kidney stress. I am currently using durabolin eod with 1/2 cc of test E (just for fun). I started the cycle with Tren Acetate and durabolin and anadrol (just to...
  5. doodle

    4th Cycle (scared Of Tren)

    Tren is a little hard on the liver and kidneys. Tren is an awsome steroid. The strength gains and hardening you get from it are to be admired. Take milk thistle (for the liver) and cranberry extract (for the kidneys) while on. You may notice some emotional changes so be aware of them. Some...
  6. doodle

    The Truth About Steroids

    The Truth About Steroids — Sunday at 9 pm ET Did You Know? One million teenagers in America are using steroids. FNC's Brian Kilmeade investigates how and why they risk their lives. This is the Fox program "BREAKING POINT". I suggest youz guys give it a look/see. I wonder just what the ratio of...
  7. doodle

    The Truth About Steroids — Sunday at 9 pm ET

    The Truth About Steroids — Sunday at 9 pm ET Did You Know? One million teenagers in America are using steroids. FNC's Brian Kilmeade investigates how and why they risk their lives. This is the Fox program "BREAKING POINT". I suggest youz guys give it a look/see. I wonder just what the ratio...
  8. doodle

    Can I reuse a pin?

  9. doodle

    Worst gear for the heart

    It is a proven medical fact that peeps who workout, e.g., weightlifting, running, sports, etc. will have the left ventricle of their hearts grow proportionally larger, due to the fact, the left ventricle is the part of the heart that works the most; it squishes the oxygenated blood out of the...
  10. doodle


    One word of caution when purchasing an ephedrine HCL product manufactured in the USA. It will be combined with 200mg of Guaifenesin, which is a common over-the-counter expectorant found in most cough medications. It makes me nauseous so I can't take "local" stuff. Look for a product manufactured...