Recent content by Doomedonthebayou

  1. D

    Arimidex side effects (switch to nolvadex)

    I'm considering just running a lower dose of test and abandoning the use of a consistent Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and just keeping nolvadex on hand just in case. From everything I've been reading on AI's, they seem to cause a lot of issues for folks (myself apparently being one of them). I plan...
  2. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    My lifts have also significantly improved. Where as it used to take me about three weeks to get used to an exercise/weight, now it's less than a week turnaround, with more reps involved. I knocked out 3 sets of leg presses at 305(I know that's not much for you old schoolers). 17,20, and 20...
  3. D

    Arimidex side effects (switch to nolvadex)

    Says the guy with a picture of a naked dude for his avatar... I don't know if you fight, but I know I'm goin to get every advantage I can when facing a trained monster Ina cage standing across from me. It's pretty sobering to know that, like you, he has wanted nothing more than to bathe in your...
  4. D

    Arimidex side effects (switch to nolvadex)

    So I started my test only cycle at end of December. I'm a month in an start noticing a few things: Hot flashes, cramping, stomach pains, and burning joint pains. My joints(namely knees and hops and knuckles) have been burning, especially during workout. So I go on this forum, among others, and...
  5. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    So I've lowered my dose of adex and I am considering taking it out of my cycle altogether. I've started experiencing weird side effects. Burning joints, hot flashes, weird shit. Plus my nipples were still itchy and achy. I've taken 20 mg tamoxifen over the last two days. Nipple weirdness gone...
  6. D

    Tren or more cyp

    How hard do you work out? What are you expecting to "feel" at 200 mgs a wk? I'm a newbie at all this, but I do know that your body will respond to brutal punishment and good rest and a healthy diet. You have to have all three consistently, or you break down and prob just wasting your time. And...
  7. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    Worked out pretty hard last night. Walking lunges (30yard)while holding a steel bumper in "crucifix" position, kettlebells, 100 yard dash w/ sandbag... Repeat 3x. Pretty shitty. Noticing more definition. More cut. I get some crazy burning in my muscles sometimes. I drink a shit load of water...
  8. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    Lift session today: Warm up: Hand to hand swings w/ 35lb kettlebell(4 min) First set (fast as possible 3x): 10-12 185lb deadlift (I got 12-11-10) 10 55lb kettlebell swings 8-10 90lb bent over rows (got 10 every time) Second set: 3 x 24 135lb explosive shallow jump squats 8 deep jump / 8...
  9. D

    2nd cycle 12 week LOG!!!

    Grass or shitty tobacco? I used to smoke cigs prob 7-8 years ago, but that's when I was bouncing at bars all the time and doing a lot of illegal substances. Granted, this was before I cared about my health. Even then, too many smokes would make me sick. Now, you could give me pound of herb and...
  10. D

    puff nipples wtf!!?

    I had a feelin they did. I know it's prevelant in the fight game. It just helps so much with focus and pain control. Yeah, diet is key in everything.
  11. D

    puff nipples wtf!!?

    How do you folks feel about smoking some herb to help with appetite?
  12. D

    2nd cycle 12 week LOG!!!

    Hey man. I swam competitively for years and years. I feel you on the metabolism. I eat everything I can find and barely gain anything.
  13. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    I increased my dose of arimidex over the last couple days and the weird tenderness in my nipples is gone. Not sure if it was from wrestling with a shirt on or test, but I don't want to take any chances. The only boobs in my family are going to be my wife's. Hah.
  14. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    If it is then I'm excited about everything kicking in overdrive. I've completely modified my supplements. I've started eating a hell of a lot more. I've read so many different things about it "kicking in" for people. I don't feel stronger or more pumped. Just more focused. Sharper. Motivated...
  15. D

    Started a Test Cyp cycle yesterday

    Just took my third shot at 250 mg. that's a jump from 375 to 450 in my system. Going to do another 250 at end of week (either Friday or Saturday). Started getting some tenderness in my nipples so I am going to up my arimidex to .5 ed and see how I respond to that.