Recent content by dospuntos96

  1. dospuntos96

    What's the freakiest thing your girl has done?

    got it on with a stripper and a cocktail waitress on stage in front of everyone. another one would piss and fart in her boyfriends face. another one, my first girlfriend, and i didnt know at the time, would suck off a car full a guys with a coat over her head. and another chick strap-on fucked...
  2. dospuntos96

    my ass gets wet, she said.

    im eating this chicks ass on a picnic table at the park. she says her ass gets wet like her pussy does. anyone ever hear of this? i dont think butt juice can be a good thing. nothin good comes out the ass, unless i stick a roll a quarters in. then i get 10 bucks out. but yeah, chime in with wet...
  3. dospuntos96

    blood test-how long after post cycle therapy (pct) is over?

    blood test-how long after pct is over? right. after coming off test, and doing the 3 week post cycle therapy (pct) regimen, how long after the last clomid should i wait until i get tested. my thinking is a wait is needed for the body to adjust to stable levels after the clomid's effects are over.
  4. dospuntos96

    raid on srcs

    if anyone sent samples to be tested, good luck to you. i got this from another board. To whom it may concern, We apologize for having to inform any who care to know of this particular occurance however, because we strive to operate with honesty, integrity and without discrimination, we have...
  5. dospuntos96

    Researchology site problems??

    right. me too. i pm'ed lion but got no response. i really only trust that site.
  6. dospuntos96

    2500 test blood level on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) dose. how??

    2500 test blood level on hrt dose. how?? BACKROUND. I was doing 300/wk test cyp in may and june, july i did 400 wk, then tore up my back and hadda quit lifting. so i went to 150/wk in august. the 4 weeks at 150/wk i thought would've lowered my blood levels, but i got my blood work and it came...
  7. dospuntos96

    Primo Question

    why's yer mind boggled? simply put he wants to employ quantum mechanics on hisself. dual states. cat in the box and all that.
  8. dospuntos96

    Anxiety after cycle.

    dude, try this on. i got hurt -f****** up a forearm tendon, and hadda stop at week 8 of a tren/eq cycle. the clomid, which is the only thing that ever made me break out on my chest/shoulders, is what i credit for the anxiety/depression that hit in. i was playing russian roulette with my .357...
  9. dospuntos96

    Anyone used just a post cycle therapy (pct) regime without the AAS first?

    do you have your LH number handy? low LH with corresponding low total test levels is a definite sign of a problem. i have that situation. my LH is at the low normal #, my total test was a super-low 297! the low end was 200, so my family doc, although heading up the general practice at a...
  10. dospuntos96

    handy dandy testicle chart!

    yeah. i was shook up at first, too. mine are too big for the chart, but when they start matching the sizes shown, then i'll worry a little.
  11. dospuntos96

    handy dandy testicle chart!
  12. dospuntos96

    handy dandy testicle chart!

    yo. now you can easily gauge the gonads to see the rate of shrinkage! just eyeball yours on this chart, and if they get smaller, you'll have measurable proof, and thus initiate HCG protocols!
  13. dospuntos96

    using test enth. and cyp. together?

    yo. i'm holding some of both, along with tren and eq, which i won't be using again til later. anyway, would there be a problem with using them both during a cycle, or using one as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the other while bumping up for a cycle? reason is, i don't currently have...
  14. dospuntos96

    why would sources be sponsors?

    dig it! that's my problem. this site's the bomb for keeping shit close to the vest, which is why i trust -ology more than, say....never mind. but gaining trust is tough. in the old days, i had people coming to me with gear, i had law enforcement in 2 towns as suppliers and who had my back. now...