Recent content by DragonSlayer69

  1. DragonSlayer69

    Chosen SARM Site and Why?

    The quality in RUI has always been legit with all my purchases, but don't get me wrong because I'm not cutting others down. RUI has just been good to me.
  2. DragonSlayer69

    Chosen SARM Site and Why?

    I've used "The Lion" RUI for a long time. There are many research companies who use the same suppliers as others, yet you never know what you'll get. Some stuff will be potent, other stuff will be bunk. The Lion has never let me down on any purchase.
  3. DragonSlayer69

    Sarms1 products good to go?

    Sarms1 is a ripoff. You have to do double the dose to get any effect. These products cost people way too much money to be playing games like that, its just bad business IMO.
  4. DragonSlayer69

    Mk 677 , first hand user thoughts

    I ran it solo at first, makes you hungry and tired, but that is normal. I noticed fat loss, but not huge muscle gains. If you want gains, you have to stack.
  5. DragonSlayer69

    Does the MK-677 have any negative effects on sex life?

    I'm doing the same dosage, same schedule 5/2. Not experiencing e.d., but just not quite as horny with the old lady. Not a big deal, a shot of pt 141 can always make a
  6. DragonSlayer69

    Does the MK-677 have any negative effects on sex life?

    I think the stuff is great although I've noticed that I'm not quite as horny since starting. Can it cause e.d.? I would think a growth hormone effect would be just the opposite.
  7. DragonSlayer69

    Sarovital /growth factor 9?

    Exactly!!! Its a 500 calorie a day diet? Who in there right mind would do that?
  8. DragonSlayer69

    Sarovital /growth factor 9?

    Actually I have seen people lose weight using HCG, but thats not the route to go. I've also seen them burn muscle along with fat, they looked very unhealthy afterwards.
  9. DragonSlayer69

    What about cycling the MK-677 ??

    I've read that some people use this for long periods of time, others cycle between 6-10 weeks. Is there a limit? anything written in stone? Is there any risk of desensitization?
  10. DragonSlayer69

    GW501516 and MK677 stack?

    I love the MK677, but I have always had a problem with the GW50. The GW even in small doses makes my anxiety go through the roof. As a result, it interferes with my sleep. Don't get me wrong though, its a great product while in the gym, unlimited energy.
  11. DragonSlayer69

    MK-677 water retention has really surprised me.

    Oh it hasn't been a problem at all, I've already noticed some reduction. This stuff is killer, affordable, and lasts a little while. I'm hooked, and may sample some other suppliers as well, like maybe SarmSearch.
  12. DragonSlayer69

    MK-677 water retention has really surprised me.

    Since starting the MK-677, the hunger has reduced, but I have noticed the increase in water retention. My strength has also gained which is a good thing!
  13. DragonSlayer69

    Really like this MK-677, nothing like a good nights sleep!

    I bought mine from The Lion, good stuff! I have to admit, the first few days of food cravings were brutal. I was wondering if I could continue? Just like all the reviews, the food cravings tapered off. Dosing in the evening didn't do it for me, I found myself waking up after 5 hours with...
  14. DragonSlayer69

    Dosing MK-677...Caps or Liquid?

    Much appreciated for the reply brother! Would love to look into Humatrope, but thats pretty expensive.
  15. DragonSlayer69

    Dosing MK-677...Caps or Liquid?

    After doing some research, I'm hearing that dosing Mk-677 using caps is better than liquid? Most people can't handle the taste when it comes to liquid, so are caps really better? I've also noticed that there are less suppliers when it comes to caps, and how many are really legit?