Recent content by eaglewrestler27

  1. E

    Ansomone HGH

    Hey bros, What's the consensus on Ansomone? I hear that its a lot cheaper than most hgh, and I was looking into it. I plan on getting on HGH regularly after my next cycle. Another hope of mine is that I could maybe get a script from my doctor. In my other thread I learned the only way would be...
  2. E

    Doctor Prescription Help

    Hey bros, I currently have some damage to the radial tendon in my right wrist and I'm going to see the doctor. I know that he will probably just give me a cortizone shot to reduce inflamation, but I would like to score some human growth hormone. I know that the HTH will help with tendon repair...
  3. E

    bros that use PGH

    alright thanx bro i'll give it a try for 3 months. Do u reccomend 3 months off after that?
  4. E

    bros that use PGH

    How long do u bros stay on? Kits go from 1 month to 6. How long do u reccomend?
  5. E

    Tren Enanthate

    thanks micro
  6. E

    Tren Enanthate

    I thought i knew all the companies by now, whats GTP? I would love to get a hold of tren enth, to many injects w/ acetate.
  7. E

    I got this message from Black Label

    yeah bro i'm haveing a hard time not asking flat out for ur new diet. because i would really like to know, i hear black label rocks.
  8. E

    PGH duration?

    What would the shortest duration be that i can run pgh for and still get the benefits? Universal kits sells 4 week kits and i'm short on cash so what do u bro's think?
  9. E

    Fitnessgeared suspended?

    bump i would like to know too
  10. E

    What the natural test levels of a male and female?

    bump- i'm curious to know too