Recent content by eurusd

  1. E

    Tren and the emotional roller coaster

    I felt nothing mentally on Tren E, only lean growth and great strength gains. But tren ace turns me into a head case, even on same doses as the tren E. I don't really get angry at all because I'm a mellow guy, but I do get depressed and start crying for almost no reason. Currently on my second...
  2. E

    HGH raw powder (API)

    To get the real thing you need special equipment and technique, but I'm not sure. Nobody really knows anything about this.
  3. E

    HGH raw powder (API)

    Bump. Any opinions on this? Just get the powder, measure out 1mg at a time (3IU), put in some bacteriostatic water, and inject. It should affect GH serum levels just as much as the white pellets in the bottom of a vial, correct? Anyone have any insight on this? I know raw GH powder isn't...
  4. E

    Ronnie coleman' steroid cycle.

    Total BS. Ronnie used 36IU HGH per day and diminishing returns usually don't happen until 40IU's per day. And pro bb'ers use well over 100IU's of insulin daily these days, some up to 200IU's. Long-acting slin in the morning, 15-25IU's before each meal, 20-30IU's pre-workout and post-workout...
  5. E

    Is it okay to inject Dbol?

    Alright thanks for the responses guys. I'll just stick with the oral and use it for 4 weeks at a time only. The dbol is mixed with everclear, and I guess it's better just to continue with oral since I can't be sure it's sterile.
  6. E

    Is it okay to inject Dbol?

    I mean that I have the oral dbol, but I would pin it instead of swallowing it. Currently, I measure my dbol dose with a syringe, but instead of shooting it into a glass of water I'd stick it straight into my ass instead. :) That way I'd bypass my liver (maybe, I don't know). I'm just wondering...
  7. E

    Is it okay to inject Dbol?

    So I have oral d-bol but I'm concerned about the fact that I should only use it 4-6 weeks at a time due to liver toxicity. Would I be able to use it throughout my cycle if I inject it instead? Thx
  8. E

    Am I dating a steroid abuser? Need advice, please.

    In a toilet, being clear or light yellow is good (it's a 2-cup piss diluted in over a gallon of water), but if the urine by itself is clear then that's way way too much.
  9. E

    Clomid Depression

    Yeah, same here apparently. I'm PMS-ing. I'll split with Nolvadex in the future. That's what I'll do. Thanks for the help, everyone.
  10. E

    Clomid Depression

    Will consider that next time. Thanks.
  11. E

    Clomid Depression

    Lol, for a few minutes during the day it feels like I do. I have some aromasin on hand, but I've seen mixed on opinions on whether a SERM is needed for PCT.
  12. E

    Clomid Depression

    Okay, I'll cut it down from 3 pills to 2 pills a day (150 --> 100).
  13. E

    Clomid Depression

    But yeah. I'll be able to follow through with the clomid and all, but the random blues just suck. I've been with chicks who just randomly start crying and if this is the stuff they have to go through every month with the hormone fluctuations and whatnot I can finally understand it.
  14. E

    Clomid Depression

    Should I start going down to 100 mg/ed for the first two weeks? As you can see it wasn't a very heavy cycle.