Recent content by fergalob

  1. F

    anadrol sides

    You cant expect any side effects as everyone reacts differently but along with acne you most likely to retain alot of water using anadrol so not a steroid if your lookiing for a riped physique
  2. F


    na u dont use milk thistle as a post cycle therapy (pct) use it while using the dbol n jus continue it after. not as post cycle therapy (pct) though and drink loads of water to flush ur system.
  3. F


    Milk thistle
  4. F

    nolvadex only for post cycle???

    My advice wud be to start the nolva 2 weeks after your last shot of sus and do 40mg ed for the first wk then drop it to 20 ed or eod. imo.
  5. F


    You cant recommend any steroid really for those type of gains as everyone is different eg genetics and also muscle gains depends on diet, rest, training having a balance of everything in order to get the best from your cycle. Im not an expert and hopefully other guys will give you a better...
  6. F

    CYCle is going well!! Wondering if you can stack Winstrol with Tes E

    Stacks well bro i didnt use test e i used sus 250 and winstrol ten weeks 500mg sus per wk and Winstrol (winny) 50mg ed and kept my diet clean and gained solid muscle gains was impressed joints abit sore from the Winstrol (winny) but i was expecting that. make sure you got a good post cycle...
  7. F

    Hey New guy here

    Sorry bro but reading wot ya put ud be making a big mistake going on roids as you dont know enough about them and knowledge is power. Never put anything into your body without fully knowing yourself the pros and cons. imo.
  8. F

    decreased cardio

    Lol not as much as that i wouldnt have thought! thats a big drop in ur cardio! wt gear did you use in your cycle as tren is known for attacking ur cardio vascular system n making your chest tighten and harder to perform cardio as your out of breath much quicker, thats why most athletes who need...
  9. F

    injection times

    Couldnt agree more mate but again im not an expert but this way has worked for me imo
  10. F

    2nd cycle deca/winny

    Sex life??????? lol!
  11. F

    Sean Sherk busted

    Hahah yeah both roid heads wheres the problem? sherk didnt have an advantage haha ;-)
  12. F

    Sean Sherk busted

    Lol he had to be on something have you seen how long that guy trains aday and how intense it is. Without roids hed more than certainly burn out that guy is a beast.
  13. F

    Zambon winstrol

    Lie the vials on there side. If the solution separates its real. Providing its a milky colour.
  14. F

    is it safe to take only dbol at low doses?

    Yeah soz didnt make that overly clear, yeah dont run nolva for the sake of it just have it on hand if ne probs arise as its better to have it than not to have it. imo.
  15. F

    possible infection or trama to injection sight

    Lose the anadrol good cycle. Tren is awesome stacked with test. make sure yoy got good post cycle therapy (pct) tho. tren shuts you down heavy