Recent content by finelysculpted

  1. F


    anyone ever heard of this stuff. 12.5mg of 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyletioallocholanol what ever the hell that is... it's from japan and people that work at my gym said it's a prohormone and will be banned shortly. anyone got any useful info?
  2. F

    N.O. products = super sensitive dick???

    i haven't taken any NO products for quite some time, recently started again, and i've noticed that when i'm on that stuff my dick, while super hard, it also gets super senistive. feels like you're gonna cum instantly during sex, and never had that happen before. it's super annoying. anyone else...
  3. F

    mass tabs = superdrol???

    have any of you guys tried mass tabs? i've heard they are the same stuff as superdrol, only made by IDS. let me know if anyone has tried it and had any success... thanks.
  4. F

    Is cheap ephederine HCL still out there?

    they sell that vasopro stuff on it's like $9 for 48, something like that.
  5. F

    No-Explode and Hydroxycut...

    you'll be fine, you'll waste a lot of money on those products but you'll be safe.
  6. F

    m1t and sex drive...?

    interesting, thanks for the tips...
  7. F

    m1t and sex drive...?

    does m1t boost or hinder your sex drive? or does it do nothing to that at all? i recently got a bottle of that stuff from someone. i was just curious what i'm in for in that respect.
  8. F

    Bula - one week out

    absolutely inspiring... totally agree with the you're not an amateur bodybuilder until you've done a show. congrats to you no matter what place you take!
  9. F


    my advice is to try it, and let us know how well it works... lol.
  10. F

    VENOMX UPDATE: 2.5 weeks out!!!

    you're taking 10g of sodium and you're still that cut...? that's fuckin impressive. at what point do you plan on lowering the sodium?
  11. F

    6 months off cyle

    you did a deca/test cycle for cutting??? and tons of cardio? interesting
  12. F

    Comp pics, Contra Costa - 3rd place

    that's some impressive shit. you're doing another show in a few weeks? how many do you do in a year?
  13. F

    Question about 6 OXO

    lol, it definitely does not boost your test levels by lowering your estrogen, if that's what you were wondering. it's pretty much useless imo.
  14. F

    Another Muscle Tech Law Suit.

    wow, with all those lawsuits no wonder their prices are so damn high!
  15. F

    protien shake and carbs

    45min prior to workout put down a shake and a banana(quick carbs) so you get a good boost of energy and your insulin levels rise! why would you want to have a protein 45 min before your workout??? it takes more blood to digest the protein and your muscles need all the blood they can get for...