Recent content by forsh

  1. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    FYI I did get an hCG lab this week along with the TT, but I won't get those results back till next week.
  2. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Just got my TT checked again this morning at 8am, and got the results back this afternoon: 686 ng/Dl | Normal Range 199-1586 So that is really good! However, I'm now very confused as to why I ever had the 290 score? Anything to take away from this? I guess in the end, I know these test...
  3. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Oh, so I have the lab now to take TT and hCG. I'm curious if I should take this right away tomorrow AM, or stop any of those above supplements first? I like to stay natural and I realize the Reverisatol and Tropinol XP, while not even PH, are somewhat leaving the territory of natural (depending...
  4. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Just returned from the endo, but was not very impressed (and that's not based on the result he gave): I do not have low testosterone He was your typical "I know best" though he clearly never dealt with men's hormone issues before (I don't have a lot of options in the area, and had to drive an...
  5. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Thanks all for the responses, they are really appreciated! I just received my results from a second lab for testosterone (the doc only measured TT, Serum this time) and that came back as 410 on a scale from 154-1488; he wrote in a letter that he cannot explain the differences between my...
  6. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Oddly that's all I seem to be getting no matter where I post... all these excellent forums and no one helping by actually looking at the lab results and analyzing; we all know the doctors may not know much so I was really looking forward to having some discussion vis-a-vis the lab results. I'd...
  7. F

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) at age 31 - The journey begins

    Lab Work Finished | Saw GP | "Prime Candidate" for TRT at age 31 - The journey begins I'm still undecided about TRT. I'll leave everything out in the open and honest and will take 100% of opinions and recommendations with weight. Quick (*edit* happened to not be too quick) back-story...