Recent content by Fred87

  1. Fred87

    RAD140 anyone with good infos/tried it?

    Hello guys, I'm trying to gather info about the RAD140 sarm, have you guys ever tried it? Does it work and how? I also noticed its sold by someone as a "legal supplement", is it just fake or what? (sorry if theres already a discussion about this, i cant find anything with the search, feel...
  2. Fred87

    HELP NEEDED! Serious acne problem on TRT, doctor doesnt wanna check my E2.

    Im quite sure the doctors position about that would be the same he has about E2, but I will try asking if I can get it tested, thanks Roush. Is it possible that I still get acne even if i get E2 and DHT in range tho?
  3. Fred87

    HELP NEEDED! Serious acne problem on TRT, doctor doesnt wanna check my E2.

    Still had it at lower levels, it just got worse, the doctor seems fine with it and kept me on this protocol
  4. Fred87

    HELP NEEDED! Serious acne problem on TRT, doctor doesnt wanna check my E2.

    170 cm 65 kilos bodyfat I guess around 12% 28 years old
  5. Fred87

    HELP NEEDED! Serious acne problem on TRT, doctor doesnt wanna check my E2.

    So here I am still struggling to find a decent doctor and protocol after over a decade of trt crap. This new doctor seemed cool and more knowleadgeable, but I think I was wrong.. He says my acne has nothing to do with E2 levels, that is all because of "androgenic power of Testosterone" and that...
  6. Fred87

    120mg/week Test En puts me at 1000+ tota test, is this normal?

    Interesting guys, I hope they do some more studies about this, or maybe there are but Im not aware of any. Whats your AI dose at these levels, if you take any?
  7. Fred87

    120mg/week Test En puts me at 1000+ tota test, is this normal?

    After years and years of that shit 240mg Test En every 3 weeks protocol I've finally found a doctor who is well informed and cool to find a better way. We have been working on it and Im actually trying 120mg every monday to see what happens, I didnt expect anything higher than 600 total test to...
  8. Fred87

    Dorian Yates... 17 Years on TRT...

    I greatly suggest everyone to go and check his full interviews on LondonReal, they are just not about bodybuilding, he talks about lot of stuff you would never think he would talk about. Some of the most interesting interviews I've ever seen.
  9. Fred87

    Poll: How Many Of You Are Bald/Balding

    Im 28 and have been on TRT since when I was in my teens, still have a full head of hair. My healthy bro younger than me is balding. Genetics dude, my grandfather, may he rest in peace, still had hair at 90 years old, the other grandfather was bald on his 30s already.
  10. Fred87

    AAS and recovery, how much work can you deal with?

    Wondering how much more work your body can handle if you are on a cycle. Talking about training ofc, both frequency, volume and intensity. Is it dose or compound related either? Do you know any studies about this topic or what is your experience on it? Discuss
  11. Fred87

    18 year old first test e cycle

    Does he look like he knows what HCG even is? ... He cant even pin on his own dude, come on
  12. Fred87

    18 year old first test e cycle

    I REPEAT MYSELF FOR THE LAST TIME. The only things you will acquire are acne, stunted growth, a fucked up for life endocrine system and girls laughing at your balls. Steroids arent magic, if you dont know what the fuck you are doing and you are too young they only do harm, not good. Gains will...
  13. Fred87

    18 year old first test e cycle

    Protein intake is the last of your problems here. If you are 5.10 and weight 60 kilos, not even benching your bodyweight, there is something wrong with your nutrition or your training, or both of them. End of the story. Juice wont fix anything, it will just FUCK YOU UP! You are way too young...
  14. Fred87

    I think I'm addicted to sex...

    You wont get the same libido on TRT, actually libido on TRT kinda sucks if you are not dealed in goddamn well, which isnt really easy to accomplish. Belive me dude, everyone of us would want to feel like when on cycle for the rest of their lifes, but it just isnt possible, unless you stay on a...