Recent content by Front Runner

  1. F

    Stanozolol cypionate/stanozolol decanoate

    Huh? Then why wouldn't they be labeled as such (1,4 ando*)? And if so, what are the chemical names? Does anyone else have a clue?
  2. F

    Stanozolol cypionate/stanozolol decanoate

    Anyone know how to convert these two? Just like test cyp or are there differewnt things that need to be done? Oil?
  3. F

    All inclusive list on dissolving powders

    I've searched but can't find a list that tells what chems to use for all powders....clen, t3, arimidex, var, viagra, aromasin, etc. Does an all inclusive list exist or should I just try to piece together the info? I saw a post on using water to dissolve t3 but a follow up said that wouldn't...
  4. F

    Whatman Polycap 36as

    Found it...thanks.
  5. F

    Whatman Polycap 36as

    I need some Whatman Polycap 36as caspule filters with a .2 pore size. Any suggestions on where to get them????
  6. F


    I used 151 and heated it well and it dissolved and stayed that way. I have'nt tried anything else.
  7. F

    Quick question on asap!

    Yeah I understand that bro...I'm just trying to speed up the process. My question do you position the prefilter disc onto the stericup filter?? With the rougher side facing up or facing down? The only reason why I am using a prefilter is that I don't want the .22 filter to clog...
  8. F

    Quick question on asap!

    I've been filtering alot of shit lately and it's driving me nuts sitting there watching the shit drip by fucking drip....I had to go out and buy a six pack tonight just to alleviate the aggravation. So I've been thinking...I've heated the shit, which increases the process, but then I thought...
  9. F

    E-gold users look here

    What's the best place to use to fund your account (ie quickest, most reliable)? I sent a cashier's check to and they took a while to cash it and my account is still not funded.
  10. F

    Western Union and ID?

    Another way Open up an e-gold account. Sending cash to Russia is stupid. Moneygram has the same security risks as WU.
  11. F

    Aromasin solution

    I am going to do this and was wondering if I use 100% PEG300 or add BA and/or Everclear??? I haven't done any orals yet...does the PEG taste like ass? I guess In could cap it but I don't feel like messing around with those little things...I don't have the patience for it...I'll probably end up...
  12. F

    Do Not Cross Into Mexico To Get Ur Pharmaceuticals.........

    Ok I stand corrected Gator. But it seems 'most' of the poeple taken where involved in the rec drug trade. I thought you meant they were targeting tourists who they thought had money. And Tough OM, i don't think you'll see many Americans dissapearing in Baja...the TJ cartel isn't that stupid...
  13. F

    Do Not Cross Into Mexico To Get Ur Pharmaceuticals.........

    Bs I'm calling BS on this one. Searched the Times Picayune...found nothing. Anything that profound would be all over the news.
  14. F

    Know thy liver

    Itching.. I have been intching like a mofo lately...I thought I was allergic to something but this worries me now as I totally abused my liver. How early of a sign is the itching? And what's symptoms are next? I should get my shit checked out...