Recent content by Froog

  1. F

    Drinking alcohol while juicing????

    everything in moderation is what i go by....
  2. F

    hgh questions

    If you could only get real jins like you could in the past....
  3. F

    is chewing oral pills (vitamin/dbol/supplement/etc) better for absorption/digestion?

    Guys, there are sources that specificly tell you to chew their orals....sounds stupid but its true....they claim for better absorption...
  4. F

    is chewing oral pills (vitamin/dbol/supplement/etc) better for absorption/digestion?

    depending on where its may need to chew it! ask your source...
  5. F

    new guy here seeking some info

    eat eat eat, train train train....CONSISTANTLY!!!
  6. F

    best oral cycle

    I could, I kinda want to see what Anavar (var) alone does for my body. Iv heard some people respond great and others no so much? also, Im only 22 so I have plenty of time to cycle, Anavar (var) alone would not be near as hard on test levels which is a plus at my age! or any age I guess...
  7. F

    Winstrol PCT

    winny only? howd it go?
  8. F

    best oral cycle

    im sorry, the last 6 weeks of the cycle i ran var....
  9. F

    best oral cycle

    I know this is an old thread but Im tossin around the idea of doing an anavar only cycle right now. Ive done one cycle of test at 400ew and ended the last 4 weeks with 40mg of var...loved it! my only regret is not doing test only to see how i would react on the compound alone.
  10. F


    wow, must be a new hgh product out there that I am unaware of, haha
  11. F

    UG Lab Tests poz for heavy metals

  12. F

    Anavar alone....

    forget about using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) until you know what you are talking about with training and diet....then do TONS of research on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and you will answer your own questions...
  13. F

    Anavar only cycle

    prop/anavar is fairly common for a nice short cycle of 8 weeks or so...more of a cutting cycle....depending on diet of course! go for it, post cycle therapy (pct) is key!
  14. F


    Some might disagree here but I used to pull the needle out half way, wait 30 seconds then pull out the rest and I quit having the problem with oil running out. dint seem to bleed near as much either....
  15. F

    Anavar only cycle

    My first cycle was 400mg test/week and for the last 6 anavar at 40-50mg/day. Loved and now have lost all of it because of my traveling and lifestyle at the moment. When i get back and get settled down I plan on doing a Anavar (var) only cyc to see how my body responds. Towards the end of my...