Recent content by G-man99

  1. G-man99

    Test Ethanate??

    I'll post up some info when I take a look at it. Wasn't going to tell him he was wrong as he is a powerlifter and rather big!!
  2. G-man99

    Test Ethanate??

    I was going to run a 12 week Test Enanthate course but my man said he can only get Test Ethanate. Has anybody heard of this before and give me some info on it. Thanks guys
  3. G-man99

    Is AIFM needed??

    My order arrived today!! I know it states to use it twice a day but should it only be used when either bloat or gyno are present and then stopped when these symptoms stop??
  4. G-man99

    Is AIFM needed??

    Anyone help please!!
  5. G-man99

    Is AIFM needed??

    Have planned my 2nd cycle and will begin in approx 6 weeks. Week 1-12 Test E x 500mg P/W (Mon & Thurs) Week 1-11 Eq x 400mg P/W (Mon & Thurs) Week 1-4 D/bol 30mg E/D Stats: 5ft 11" 189lbs 31yrs B/F 12% Trained on and off for 10yrs, last 3 yrs constant. Last cycle Sustanon (sust) 250 E3D 11...
  6. G-man99


    Thanks Macro, looks good
  7. G-man99


    Looked on researchology but can't see anything!! Is it just me being dumb?? Have you any suggestions?? PM if you can't post. Thanks
  8. G-man99


    Where are the best places to buy Aromasin in UK. Is it legal to get witout presciption?? I get mild gyno when on test and taking nolva just slows my results right down. Thanks for any info
  9. G-man99

    Test E, 2nd cycle

    It will be 10 weeks from end of post cycle therapy (pct) before I will start
  10. G-man99

    Test E, 2nd cycle

    The question i'm asking is, will 500mg get me some good lean muscle?? As it is my 2nd cycle (in the last 9years anyway) and just finished Sustanon (sust) 250 cycle, will this dose be enough. As regards the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I do mean whilst on cycle and not for PCT
  11. G-man99

    Test E, 2nd cycle

    Hey guys!! Age: 32 Height: 5ft 11" Weight: 196lb B/F: 12-15% Finished a 10 week Sustanon (sust) 250 e3d last month and had so so gains off it. Trained hard and ate well but prob need to eat even more next time!!! Gained about 10-12lbs Planning a Test E only cycle in about 5 weeks time. Will...
  12. G-man99

    Gyno help!!

    I've got a good supply. You saying if it starts back then just keep running tamox straight through cycle and also for 3 weeks after last shot and again for a further 3 weeks as correct post cycle therapy (pct) should be??
  13. G-man99

    Gyno help!!

    Currently running 2nd cycle of Sustanon (sust) 250 e3d for 11 weeks and am on week 4 and getting slight gyno. Am taking tamox to combat the effects. My question is, if I run tamox til symptoms stop and then they start up again and i have to run with it straight through, how do I sort out my...