Recent content by garobo

  1. G

    Could EQ have a place in TRT?

    Could EQ have a place in TRT? For example, 125mgs Enanthate and 25mgs Eq per week. In order to increase appetite and aid recovery time? Or does EQ just have no place in TRT?
  2. G

    Sometimes, its good to cry

    good find man.
  3. G

    Kinda embarrased to ask this...but...

    Yeah, I dont know why and I cant say it was a symtom. But yes this happened a lot to me when my thyroid quit working. It stopped when I started synthroid. I can only say that the coinsidense was strange, and (maybe) related.
  4. G

    Joint Repair

    what would your joint repair diet consist of?
  5. G

    if your considering synthol

    I want to say this is sad. But in truth, this guy is happy as a pig in shit. That kind of stupidity is a gift.
  6. G

    steroids and anxiety

    I dont have much advice on this, but I think you are wise to consider this a possible problem. Ive never had any mental issues myself. But I have been witness to a few that were made worse (from gear) in people that already had an existing problem. If you are aware enough that it could be a...
  7. G

    At Least 85 Percent of Fighters 'Definitely Using' PEDs

    Every bit of 85%. I have not know but a handful of people (less than a handful) in my life that could train like these guy and not be on something.
  8. G

    Why did arnold have a baby with such an UGLY women

    No offense meant. But Europeans can bottom feed when it comes to ladies. They have a strenght that I just cant muster......sober
  9. G

    Greetings from Central America

  10. G

    Greetings from Central America

    New to the board. Here to learn.