Recent content by gary1234

  1. G

    Hey man, I've heard all around that your the man to talk to. If you dont mind could you give me...

    Hey man, I've heard all around that your the man to talk to. If you dont mind could you give me some advice on pct for this cycle im about to do. Im gonna do a 600mg eq / 200mg test cycle (for boxing) for 16 weeks. If you could spare the time to help me out I really would apreciate it pal. Im...
  2. G

    Thanks for the advice man, I really apreciate it. How can I get bloodwork done? at the doc...

    Thanks for the advice man, I really apreciate it. How can I get bloodwork done? at the doc? would I have to tell him I do steroids?
  3. G

    Hey Man, I've seen seem of your posts and you seem to know a lot about this stuff. If you could...

    Hey Man, I've seen seem of your posts and you seem to know a lot about this stuff. If you could maybe take a few minutes to awnser some of these questions I really would apreciate it. Im looking to do a 24 week mma cycle with test e (250mg pw) eq (600mg pw) and var (50mg ed). This seem to be...